Saturday, December 31, 2005
How it all started, what happened to TSR, more dork info than you ever knew you needed to know.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
If Stomp was at work when he read that title I gaurentee his head just exploded with sheer fury..
What is it? well basically it's MY blog. I started it as a visual diary that I hope to update on a daily(ish) basis with sketches/illustrations that I do pretty much everyday, mostly at work.
So Ummm yeah.. if you're ever bored head on over, you'll probalby still be bored at the end of it. but after looking through it you may realise if I'm drawing this shit. I'm problaby more bored than you.
Oh & if I got everything right there should be an RSS doodad (Feed Me) on the right to keep you up to date in the world of Skulls and Boobs.
What is it? well basically it's MY blog. I started it as a visual diary that I hope to update on a daily(ish) basis with sketches/illustrations that I do pretty much everyday, mostly at work.
So Ummm yeah.. if you're ever bored head on over, you'll probalby still be bored at the end of it. but after looking through it you may realise if I'm drawing this shit. I'm problaby more bored than you.
Oh & if I got everything right there should be an RSS doodad (Feed Me) on the right to keep you up to date in the world of Skulls and Boobs.
Friday, December 23, 2005
They have come of age since I last checked, these are the guys who post BASILISK as direct downloads, so you don't have to fuck about with torrents. I think I got an error for vol2 ep17 or something, if you get it off IRC or something please email it to me/tell me.
Also links in the links section to other direct download manga sites, IO on looks like it might tide Skaffen over for another week or two. If you know what I mean. And I mean wanking.
Also links in the links section to other direct download manga sites, IO on looks like it might tide Skaffen over for another week or two. If you know what I mean. And I mean wanking.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Not your typical TML post I know.
I stumbled across this & thought it a good research point for Stomp & his projects, on more than a couple of levels.. Overall it's OK if you don't get it.
It's actually an interesting enough read as well, but more importantly it reeks of those pulpy 70's comics & the illustration styles everyone loves so much.
Now lets all get back to the talk of naked wizards casting dildo spells on each others horses
Hey 'pox, nice to have you back
I stumbled across this & thought it a good research point for Stomp & his projects, on more than a couple of levels.. Overall it's OK if you don't get it.
It's actually an interesting enough read as well, but more importantly it reeks of those pulpy 70's comics & the illustration styles everyone loves so much.
Now lets all get back to the talk of naked wizards casting dildo spells on each others horses
Hey 'pox, nice to have you back

This is why I haven't posted here in ages. Why I haven't painted a miniature in ages. Why I haven't spent any money at Games Workshop and why the only new computer game I have bought recently is the Dawn of War expansion. I'm still playing World of Warcraft after almost a year. It eats all of your free time. All of it.
But, my warlock dude now has a really cool horse. That is worth it, isn't it ?
Judas Unchained
Skaffen I got the sequel to Peter F Hamilton's Pandora's Star at the library tonight before this night shift, and it's out on the coffee table waiting for me to make a cuppa and sit down to uninterrupted sci-fi joy. Is the Night's Dawn series as good? Even close?
When I'm too tired to read, I have the GC and RE4 - I love that game. Playing now and again since August when I got it, I'm still on disc 1 of 2. Levels are hard and take a few tries, but not Metal Gear Solid enragingly hard. Just enough to be satisfying when you beat them. Any game where guys with heshin sacks over their heads start up chainsaws and you think "oh sweet jeebers, that guy wont drop when I head shot him and he sent 20 villagers up the tunnel ahead of him, I am going to run out of ammo or health by the time I get to him, and probably both" rules.
When I'm too tired to read, I have the GC and RE4 - I love that game. Playing now and again since August when I got it, I'm still on disc 1 of 2. Levels are hard and take a few tries, but not Metal Gear Solid enragingly hard. Just enough to be satisfying when you beat them. Any game where guys with heshin sacks over their heads start up chainsaws and you think "oh sweet jeebers, that guy wont drop when I head shot him and he sent 20 villagers up the tunnel ahead of him, I am going to run out of ammo or health by the time I get to him, and probably both" rules.
Comic Shopping with kids
- "Whoah, Star Wars comics" has more conviction coming from an 11 year old than someone 20 years older.
- There is nothing cuter than a 4 year old waltzing into a comic store, straight up to the owner, and announcing: "I'm not going to touch anything! And if I want to look, my daddy will turn the pages for me! You have cool toys in here!!"
- There is nothing cuter than a 4 year old waltzing into a comic store, straight up to the owner, and announcing: "I'm not going to touch anything! And if I want to look, my daddy will turn the pages for me! You have cool toys in here!!"
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Oh baby check these puppies out. Artwork by Erol Otus and that other geezer who did all the original DnD modules. What's even better is that I found what I think just might be THE ENTIRE SERIES on a torrent tracker. YAY! The reviews are good, the dungeons are not lame like the new Dnd (ie: everything in the last 20 years.) It's all pit traps, monsters and secret doors.
My 11 year old is in for some old school dungeon crawling, you guys are invited. Let's hope my old manuals don't fall apart in the beer swilling chip munching kobald dicing excitement.
My 11 year old is in for some old school dungeon crawling, you guys are invited. Let's hope my old manuals don't fall apart in the beer swilling chip munching kobald dicing excitement.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Hello gay fucks.
What changes, improvements, modifications should we make to TML?
I added the wee RSS feed thingy 8Ball was asking for (I think) but we may as well chuck some other nice stuff on here too.
I was thinking about making a front door page that doesn't look suss at work (as I work in a gay office were predominately black webpages are a no-go.)
Is there anything anyone wants, or are you happy to find inane delights of the internet posted here every once in a while?
To be honest, brutal suggestions of change could be good, as then I could get off my arse and do some funky stuff instead of playing with the remote controlled helicopter I was given for christmas.
What changes, improvements, modifications should we make to TML?
I added the wee RSS feed thingy 8Ball was asking for (I think) but we may as well chuck some other nice stuff on here too.
I was thinking about making a front door page that doesn't look suss at work (as I work in a gay office were predominately black webpages are a no-go.)
Is there anything anyone wants, or are you happy to find inane delights of the internet posted here every once in a while?
To be honest, brutal suggestions of change could be good, as then I could get off my arse and do some funky stuff instead of playing with the remote controlled helicopter I was given for christmas.
Check My Chevrons

I've been bending Stomps ear for a while about rendering techniques to gain illustrative effects, I think these sketches go some way to explaining what I'm on about.
This post is possibly more suited to 3DP but I don't think I'm allowed to post there anymore...
For what it's worth I did these at work, & I hate the faces....
Liquid Glow God

8ball this is that comic I told you about, but the others should get a kick out of it too.
It's an easy trap to fall into I reckon, coming up with an idea and finding yourself making up fight and effects sequences before you've worked out wtf is actually going on in the story. Animation is fun because it's challenging in several different ways at the same time. The tricky thing is to come thru it all with something worth watching.
That being said, spending time on the script and pre-production does not guarantee a good flick, Harvey Crumpet proves this point, that guy is funded to write before he even starts shooting. I never went to art school and my 4 year old can draw better than me, but at least my work doesn't make you violently angry while you're watching it, followed by a deep sense of sadness at the pointless waste of it all.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
This NOT work safe site...
...has a little flash teaser that makes me feel funny.
Apparently they have invented a new genre of game, a Maid Molesting Simulator, I have signed up for their newsletter and have a new homepage now.
Apparently they have invented a new genre of game, a Maid Molesting Simulator, I have signed up for their newsletter and have a new homepage now.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Warhammer Xmas
I planned it nearly 2 months ago but just got cashed up (paid out for my 3d gig) so I wandered into a Games Workshop looking for the $150 Black Templars Battalion box for my 11 year old for xmas. The guy said "dude we did that deal as a limited offer promotion thinking there might be a little interest in it, and promptly sold out right around the country. I can sell you 10 figures with a small portion of the same radness for $80" (The box has 20 unbelievably rad figures plus a rhino (troop transport))
So I spewed, he rang around the other shops and managed to secure the last available box in the state of Victoria. Whoohoo. Work let me piss off for an hour to go pick it up. The wife reckons I'm not to buy the boy any more Warhammer this year as it's all so expensive. I think the loophole there is to buy it "for me" to assemble and paint on nightshift, then hand it over ready to rock. He only needs a leader dude and he has an army, and with a dreadnaught added I reckon he'll be tournament-ready.
I explained to the wife for god's sake the boy's 11, if you can't have this shit at 11 what's the point in your dad working for a living. She replied listen you fucking dork I am not sliding into poverty just because you like Dnd. I begged to differ, and just you wait until he brings home his first tournament trophy.
It'll take him a while to paint this army, I'll take him into the shop and let them show him the ropes. I think I'd better build him a painting station myself, as he'll need an army box soon with foam and shit. We can buy the glue, paints and shit on GW trips, that shit is small enough to sneak past the wife into the house. Pray for us!
So I spewed, he rang around the other shops and managed to secure the last available box in the state of Victoria. Whoohoo. Work let me piss off for an hour to go pick it up. The wife reckons I'm not to buy the boy any more Warhammer this year as it's all so expensive. I think the loophole there is to buy it "for me" to assemble and paint on nightshift, then hand it over ready to rock. He only needs a leader dude and he has an army, and with a dreadnaught added I reckon he'll be tournament-ready.
I explained to the wife for god's sake the boy's 11, if you can't have this shit at 11 what's the point in your dad working for a living. She replied listen you fucking dork I am not sliding into poverty just because you like Dnd. I begged to differ, and just you wait until he brings home his first tournament trophy.
It'll take him a while to paint this army, I'll take him into the shop and let them show him the ropes. I think I'd better build him a painting station myself, as he'll need an army box soon with foam and shit. We can buy the glue, paints and shit on GW trips, that shit is small enough to sneak past the wife into the house. Pray for us!
Go see it, 3hrs long, it's amazing. It thought it would be OK, but it was totally rad.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Was meh OK I guess. It reminded me of Command and Conquer Yuri's Revenge, and must be the first film ever actually shot in orthographic perspective. The bodgy effects and compositing are so-so, the funny thing is nothing looks real, in fact everything looks like CGI, even the real sets and actors.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Was meh OK I guess. It reminded me of Command and Conquer Yuri's Revenge, and must be the first film ever actually shot in orthographic perspective. The bodgy effects and compositing are so-so, the funny thing is nothing looks real, in fact everything looks like CGI, even the real sets and actors.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Pulling my finger out...
Stompy is correct, as usual, though I feel we are all at fault here. So, to re-ignite the flames of diarrhetic geeky humour on TML I submit this link as suggestions for my christmas presents.
I WILL be home soon, and we WILL be getting together so I can pwn your arses. Doing it using a Cray would be sweet.
I WILL be home soon, and we WILL be getting together so I can pwn your arses. Doing it using a Cray would be sweet.
Ricky Oh
Stupid name, mainly as he is referred to as "Ricky Ho" in the movie, but anyway, that doesn't get in the way of a movie experience which will kick your ass CLEAN OFF YOUR BACK, and your legs will fall over because nothing will be there any more to hold them up!
I was more excited than uncle Skaffen in a Japanese shoebox hotel room rubbing one out over a stack of brand new hentai, and this film delivers. This film is not only pre-CG, it's pre-common-sense. The gore is hilarious, like when you need to chop off a hand, you fill a rubber dishwashing glove with the crap squeegied off the floor of the butchers, pour it in, and hack away! And sometimes they forget to bring in the fake stuff, and smash the piss out of real people instead.
When 8ball and I sat down to watch this little beauty I had to shut my 11year-olds bedroom door, and he was pleading "no, please, I want to watch!" because he had a sneaking suspicion we were about to put on something incomprehensible in it's violent radness - and his suspicions were correct. It's like Dragonball Z but with flesh and gore instead of, um, drawings!!
I was more excited than uncle Skaffen in a Japanese shoebox hotel room rubbing one out over a stack of brand new hentai, and this film delivers. This film is not only pre-CG, it's pre-common-sense. The gore is hilarious, like when you need to chop off a hand, you fill a rubber dishwashing glove with the crap squeegied off the floor of the butchers, pour it in, and hack away! And sometimes they forget to bring in the fake stuff, and smash the piss out of real people instead.
When 8ball and I sat down to watch this little beauty I had to shut my 11year-olds bedroom door, and he was pleading "no, please, I want to watch!" because he had a sneaking suspicion we were about to put on something incomprehensible in it's violent radness - and his suspicions were correct. It's like Dragonball Z but with flesh and gore instead of, um, drawings!!
Torrent Bonanza
Cut one, then turn up the radio to cover the smell, because I knew there were a lot of torrents for useful apps and pdf computer book scans, but I didn't realise they all come from the ONE DUDE.
Lack of appropriate TML action - 1st warning
OK Skaffen it's now official, you have not been posting enough bullshit on here, and morale is low. I want to see:
- photodiary of Skaffen's Warhammer World nudie run
- book reviews of nerdy sci-fi, I dont care if it's only 3 lines long
- anything
I'll put my money where my mouth is and try to get back up to a few posts a week.
If you can't use TML responsibly it'll be taken off you, and if you don't get your end away I'll organise to have your penis chopped off too. Use it (responsibly) or lose it. Stop single-handedly (pun intended) keeping the global porn industry booming!
- photodiary of Skaffen's Warhammer World nudie run
- book reviews of nerdy sci-fi, I dont care if it's only 3 lines long
- anything
I'll put my money where my mouth is and try to get back up to a few posts a week.
If you can't use TML responsibly it'll be taken off you, and if you don't get your end away I'll organise to have your penis chopped off too. Use it (responsibly) or lose it. Stop single-handedly (pun intended) keeping the global porn industry booming!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Birthday fun
My mates birthday yesterday and I found this puppy which I bought for him off the internet:
Table Hockey Heaven
Click on the link above for a site dedicated to the sport of table hockey.
They have videos and stuff I recommend taking a look at, especially the Stiga ones.
Every fucking house on the planet should have one of these.
Edit: The nice man that runs the site linked above requested that I not use his image. Fair enough, no more image coming from him. It's still a great site though.
Table Hockey Heaven
Click on the link above for a site dedicated to the sport of table hockey.
They have videos and stuff I recommend taking a look at, especially the Stiga ones.
Every fucking house on the planet should have one of these.
Edit: The nice man that runs the site linked above requested that I not use his image. Fair enough, no more image coming from him. It's still a great site though.