Check My Chevrons

I've been bending Stomps ear for a while about rendering techniques to gain illustrative effects, I think these sketches go some way to explaining what I'm on about.
This post is possibly more suited to 3DP but I don't think I'm allowed to post there anymore...
For what it's worth I did these at work, & I hate the faces....
See Liquid Glow God to initial comments on this post, I got mixed up.
Anyway several hours later and seeing the sketch lines has me thinking it might be good to experiment trying several passes layered, like some low opacity grey half-tone shading over the body... anyway we'll see.
Let's face it, I just want my shit to look:
1) Super Deformed. Everything. Trees, houses, SD the lot
2) Like Image comics. Give me a "Photoshop comicbook colouring" plugin and I'll render until my ass deflates.
I guess you could actually do the second. Use a celshader to get most of the way there, then jazz it up in afterFX with some blooming and other shit... hmmm
The idea of my renders looking like Transformers comics EXCITES me.
Another idea I want to play around with is halftone patterning. like in older monochromatic comics where the artist bought a sheet of rub on dots & used that to grey areas out. I'm sure cel shaders have this thought of somewhere along the line..
Basically I think having something look older & more organic while still utlilising the ease of 3D woudl be a great way to go.
When we have some models & stuff to play around with we'll sit down with 2 days blocked out & I'll bend your ear about what I'm thinking.
Please note in the effort to keep Stomps family in the luxury they've become accustomed to the image has been butchered by the TML censorshit board
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