Saturday, December 17, 2005

Warhammer Xmas

I planned it nearly 2 months ago but just got cashed up (paid out for my 3d gig) so I wandered into a Games Workshop looking for the $150 Black Templars Battalion box for my 11 year old for xmas. The guy said "dude we did that deal as a limited offer promotion thinking there might be a little interest in it, and promptly sold out right around the country. I can sell you 10 figures with a small portion of the same radness for $80" (The box has 20 unbelievably rad figures plus a rhino (troop transport))

So I spewed, he rang around the other shops and managed to secure the last available box in the state of Victoria. Whoohoo. Work let me piss off for an hour to go pick it up. The wife reckons I'm not to buy the boy any more Warhammer this year as it's all so expensive. I think the loophole there is to buy it "for me" to assemble and paint on nightshift, then hand it over ready to rock. He only needs a leader dude and he has an army, and with a dreadnaught added I reckon he'll be tournament-ready.

I explained to the wife for god's sake the boy's 11, if you can't have this shit at 11 what's the point in your dad working for a living. She replied listen you fucking dork I am not sliding into poverty just because you like Dnd. I begged to differ, and just you wait until he brings home his first tournament trophy.

It'll take him a while to paint this army, I'll take him into the shop and let them show him the ropes. I think I'd better build him a painting station myself, as he'll need an army box soon with foam and shit. We can buy the glue, paints and shit on GW trips, that shit is small enough to sneak past the wife into the house. Pray for us!


Blogger eightball said...

I think this sounds awesome, of course I have little to no idea about warhammer outside of what Bolt Thrower have told me.

But the Stompbox Family Xmass sounds like it's going to be a corker, the only way I think it could be better is if you hand out the presents dressed as a giant blood spattered orc OR you could even dress up to do it!

8:25 pm  

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