Hmmm. While that IS interesting, I prefer to read White Dwarf on the can. I buy them "for my son", and it's gotten to the stage where he hides them because he doesn't like me taking them into the loo. I have to sneak about, find them, and scamper to the toilet, while he scowls and tries not to smile.
WD is made for toilet reading I swear. There is no other time in your day that you can justify reading an article about some dorks who can't get laid and have been working at a games workshop store since high school, battling it out with their $1200 worth of figures (each). Strategy, gay elves, everything you could hope for while backing one out.
The wife got a real job, so we've been fitting in more Space Hulk. The boy played as marines and got humiliated, then we swapped teams and he handed me my ass. The 4 year old "joins in" by jumping up and down on your shoulders and upper spine while you're trying to plan a move - we don't use time limits on the marines so that works as a good alternative.
The older one is getting a black templars army for xmas, I think I'm more excited than he is. I'm planning to buy some templar support units on the sly and paint them on night shift, to hand over as a surprise when they're done.
Ah, the joys of being an 11 year old trapped in a dad's body.
Hmmm. While that IS interesting, I prefer to read White Dwarf on the can. I buy them "for my son", and it's gotten to the stage where he hides them because he doesn't like me taking them into the loo. I have to sneak about, find them, and scamper to the toilet, while he scowls and tries not to smile.
WD is made for toilet reading I swear. There is no other time in your day that you can justify reading an article about some dorks who can't get laid and have been working at a games workshop store since high school, battling it out with their $1200 worth of figures (each). Strategy, gay elves, everything you could hope for while backing one out.
The wife got a real job, so we've been fitting in more Space Hulk. The boy played as marines and got humiliated, then we swapped teams and he handed me my ass. The 4 year old "joins in" by jumping up and down on your shoulders and upper spine while you're trying to plan a move - we don't use time limits on the marines so that works as a good alternative.
The older one is getting a black templars army for xmas, I think I'm more excited than he is. I'm planning to buy some templar support units on the sly and paint them on night shift, to hand over as a surprise when they're done.
Ah, the joys of being an 11 year old trapped in a dad's body.
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