Thursday, December 22, 2005

Judas Unchained

Skaffen I got the sequel to Peter F Hamilton's Pandora's Star at the library tonight before this night shift, and it's out on the coffee table waiting for me to make a cuppa and sit down to uninterrupted sci-fi joy. Is the Night's Dawn series as good? Even close?

When I'm too tired to read, I have the GC and RE4 - I love that game. Playing now and again since August when I got it, I'm still on disc 1 of 2. Levels are hard and take a few tries, but not Metal Gear Solid enragingly hard. Just enough to be satisfying when you beat them. Any game where guys with heshin sacks over their heads start up chainsaws and you think "oh sweet jeebers, that guy wont drop when I head shot him and he sent 20 villagers up the tunnel ahead of him, I am going to run out of ammo or health by the time I get to him, and probably both" rules.


Blogger skaffen said...

Good Evening,

Yes, the Night's Dawn series is awesome. Much like LOTR it takes a little while to get rolling, but once most of the core characters are introduced (1/3 of the way in) it goes a little bit crazy.
At points I remember conflicts occuring that were of such a ridiculous scale that I was pissing myself for around 20 pages of futuristic galaxy-fisting wars-of-attrition.
It's the old Mandel series (that you put me on to at the age of 14) but with steriods pumping out its anus.

Another one you should look out for is Alastair Reynolds. The Revelation Space series is fantastic and the stand-alones aren't bad at all.

I went to a dodgy market over here and one dude was being forced to sell all his sci-fi by his evil wife. The guy seemed quite upset about it and I chatted with him for quite a while as all the books he had were the ones I got rid of before leaving Aus.
He sold me the lot for about 10 quid (25AUD), that's for 30 of the greatest books ever written, and I am now working my way through them at a stupid rate.

I think I just accidentally bought a christmas special bundle of VTMs from 3D-Buzz. Whoopsie...

I am planning on getting a copy of F.E.A.R. which is a industry-standard-violent fps that apparently includes some amazing 'AI' and an excellent story-tree that blows you away at the end. 'Really Scary' they say. Ooooh!

Are you pumping RE4 with a light-gun?

2:43 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Can you remind me what was "the old Mandel series"?

Thanks for the book tips.

What 3dbuzz did you get? I'll go look on their site. Their Motionbuilder (free) training is fantastic.

I have been reading about FEAR in the mags and wanting it but cant afford the time nor $. Mostly the time.

RE4 is controller, no gun, but doesn't need one. It's like Metal Gear Solid but better, easier to control, and more adrenalineratizing. I love it when you go in to retry a level, thinking OK cool I know to be ready for this bit... ohhh shit and you're off running again trying to reload, heal and hide at the same time, but somehow you scrape through.

I have finally tonight pulled out my finger and started prepping the gun fight in our Road Hogs game. The paperwork is boring and I've been putting it off, but it has to be done or it's all too much to run on the fly, especially when I cant really remember the rules.

3:29 am  

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