Liquid Glow God

8ball this is that comic I told you about, but the others should get a kick out of it too.
It's an easy trap to fall into I reckon, coming up with an idea and finding yourself making up fight and effects sequences before you've worked out wtf is actually going on in the story. Animation is fun because it's challenging in several different ways at the same time. The tricky thing is to come thru it all with something worth watching.
That being said, spending time on the script and pre-production does not guarantee a good flick, Harvey Crumpet proves this point, that guy is funded to write before he even starts shooting. I never went to art school and my 4 year old can draw better than me, but at least my work doesn't make you violently angry while you're watching it, followed by a deep sense of sadness at the pointless waste of it all.
Thats great, although I think Ricky Oh proves that sometimes pouring time & money into crazy CG isn't always needed as well when a cow blood soaked kitchen sponge with a face drawn on it, getting whacked with a spiked bat can be convincing enough.
So in effect.
1) Have a kickass concept/story
2) Decide easiest way to approach what you want to do & try off the wall concepts that seemingly may not make sense
3) Turn on the computers
There can probably be a bunch of stuff in between all of this as well but one thing to keep in mind is South Park, shitful animation I mean really attrocious animation.
But it sells like fucking hot cakes, not cuase it looks slick, cause it appeals to people.
gay whee gay
I have been doing some drawings in the last couple of days that may explain the outline styling I've been beating yoru ears about for a while.
I'll probalby post em up soon for the hell of it
Oh & Skaff
1) is it possible to RSS this site
2) if you want to hand over some admin details I can look into it, I just got onto RSS & I'm now it's biggest fan
Yo, there should be a wee 'FEEDME' Button on the right somewhere now. It doesn't say 'FEEDME' unfortunately, but close enough...
Lemme know if it's working properly. I am looking into 'autodiscovery' feeding, whatever that means. Apparently it's better.
And you have given me an idea... post the next...
Imagine if Ricky Oh had a good script. Imagine for a moment, if you will, Ricky Oh meets That Stephen King prison movie whose name escapes me. WHoah.
South Park yeah pffrt. I am right into Bromwell High, the wife watched it with me for the first time tonight, halfway thru she nearly cried with laughter when Keisha said Natella's sitar playing was "Shit! Shitter than shit! It was so shit I wanted to shove shit in my ears and eat shit and DO a shit!"
Good outlines, yes that's the outlinage we have both been thinking about. Shame about the nude sheilas that just cost me my job. Sigh.
It's cool, I'll save TML for home, but I wont be able to post as often as I'd like.
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