A couple of things I stumbled across
1) Gish, seems to be a shareware platfrom game that just happens to look awesome.

Hmmm a bit more investigation shows this might have been created by the guys behind Pontifex A game whos object was to build a bridge across a river, strong enough to withstand a train. boring I hear you say.. well wait till you find yourself lying awake at night trying to figure out whether a suspension or tension bridge is better suited.....
2) Golf Question Mark, I saw this one a while back & don't think I got around to posting it. looks like a fairly bent version of a gold game but some of the screenshots make me all watery in the pants

3) Blogs are pretty weird, I tend to think of them only in the terms of TML, which is awesome. however recently I stumbled across Coop's blog. Coop I may here you ask, who's that. well if you're not familiar with the name you'll definatley be familiar with his artwork, he's done heaps of posters for bands over the years, best of all is the paintblogging entries he's got up where he breaks down his processes in creating some of this art, hopefully it will be interesting to others as well...
Now I have just realised this is possibly the least offensive post I've ever created & I'm a bit worried about that, so to jazz it up a bit enjoy a section of Coops paintblogging..

& let's all await Stomps cries of "MY JOB MY JOOOOOOOBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!"