I got a Scorpions best of compilation and it is awesome. (Note: avoid their most recent album, I don't think I have ever deleted something so fast. It was terrible.) Anyway they rip into 4 rocking classics, including the ball-tearingly rocking "Rock You like a Hurricane", and then they masterfully slip into a seductive ballad - gentlemen use the power of this CD to bed women, you will find that Scorpions cover art is actually like an instruction manual, and your pants will be magnetised with seduction energy. The ladies will be drawn to your pants and actually become stuck to them like a giant magnet - just like the album covers suggest. I always thought those covers were stupid, but now I know it's a word to the wise which transcends all language barriers (a good idea too, because the singer's German accent is often unintelligble.) And the message is this: Play this cd in your car and you will get more fuck than you can handle.
Then they rip into a few more hard rocking numbers which act as a soundtrack for you to have wild sex to. Then more ballads while you smoke a cigarette, and rock again to back you up while you scream at the bitch to get you a beer/breakfast/hand you your pants. I wish I had realised the power of this band's music when I was younger, I was actually too young when I got into them (13.) If I had only known, as a teen I would have been able to tear through womankind like a sexual natural disaster.
Then they rip into a few more hard rocking numbers which act as a soundtrack for you to have wild sex to. Then more ballads while you smoke a cigarette, and rock again to back you up while you scream at the bitch to get you a beer/breakfast/hand you your pants. I wish I had realised the power of this band's music when I was younger, I was actually too young when I got into them (13.) If I had only known, as a teen I would have been able to tear through womankind like a sexual natural disaster.
Dude, I think Sonya is coming on to you. You're about to score some hot spam fembot action.
get on it!!!
she'll be chock full of penis enlarging pumps & viagra as well
Yeah sonya, you dirty little slut you know you want it.
Stompbox is going to rock you like a finely crafted immaculatley refined hurricane of German love.
god I hope Sonya isn't a real person.
Sonya is actually half robot, half slut. She cannot be offended because she is programmed for pleasure, and doubles as a urinal. There is a song about her on most Scorpions albums.
This album has been on repeat ALL DAY at my house.
knowing our luck the human half will be the half that eats
That doesn't actually make any sense. I think you're implying something about oral sex, but I'm not sure. You should write lyrics for THE SCORPIONS.
it makes perfect sense if you're thinking smuttily enough. Or you're me...
That said I will take the job of Scorpions main songwriter
fly on your wings mighty butterfly of the robotic pixie world..
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