Wow what a shit post that Fantomas review was....
In an attempt to make up for my drunken post from last night (shittest review evah) I offer this ...
^^^ Click that ^^^
Tuesday 4th of October the Melvins are playing a live version of their 93 album Houdini (I'd have to check the year, I think thats about right) in London. There is obviously no possible fucking way I can make it, but I can gaurentee it would be an awesome fucking gig. I suggest Skaff, you get tickets, drag along whatever gay poms you can find & show them what it is to rock to a fat man with extrodanairy hair (no not Stomp).

^^^ Click that ^^^
Tuesday 4th of October the Melvins are playing a live version of their 93 album Houdini (I'd have to check the year, I think thats about right) in London. There is obviously no possible fucking way I can make it, but I can gaurentee it would be an awesome fucking gig. I suggest Skaff, you get tickets, drag along whatever gay poms you can find & show them what it is to rock to a fat man with extrodanairy hair (no not Stomp).
I resent that. There is nothing "extraordinary" about my hair.
It is pretty extrodanairy though dude...
I have located tickets and am now lining up recruits. Thank you for the heads up, and the pointers on where to buy metal tees.
Apparently metal gigs over here are pretty sedate. But I was speaking with the dude about soccer matches before metal, so I think it was a comparitive statement rather than an implication that I'll get lots of cuddles.
Last weekend in a pub we had the pleasure of the following experience:
The lights came up, the bouncers blocked all exits and about 20 police in riot gear piled in to the pub.
I shat my pants.
A cop yelled out 'this pub will cease all service until the (soccer team I cannot remember) fans leave the establishment.'
Four blokes stood up, sculled their pints, and walked out.
The cops left.
Service resumed and I wiped down the wall behind me.
Apparently a barmaid heard them talking about their team, which was not the local team, and everyone hit DEFCON FUCKMEWEREALLGONNADIE until they left.
Apparently this is not unusual and we should be happy it happened before people got too drunk.
England: Charming.
Haha great pub story.
That gig would fucking rule. Melvins are so awesome live, and that is probably my favourite album of theirs. Corner hotel show is one I'll never forget.
I am very jealous of Camden market metal shirt joy.
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