Sunday, August 28, 2005

Terry Gilliam's Brother's Grimm

Why can't I add links on here today?

Anyway, I haven't read more than 3 lines of the interview, as soon as I read Gilliam's name I had to post it to TML.

Corpse Bride coming soon too, Burton's next stop-motion feature.


Blogger eightball said...

on a mildly related topic, I saw the makin of Burton's 'Charlie & the Chochump Factory' on the weekend. They showed a fair bit of the movie ^& storyline & from that I think it's going to be really good.

Apparently stays very true to the book (which I never read so don't care) but the sets look incredible & Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka seems 100% spot on.

9:06 am  

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