These guys seem to be doing some pretty cool shit, and their studio is only two blocks from the Kremlin. They have some nice stuff up there, in particular this little beauty, the Optimus Keyboard:

Click on the glowing OLED, programmable, animatable, lush-as-FUCK keys to see the site.
Amazing job on your Blog! I'll definatly be coming back. If you're interested, check out my DONKEY COCKSUCKING PORN SITE, just provide your credit card number and enjoy!
Amazing job on your Blog! I'll definatly be coming back. If you're interested, check out my CUNTING SPAM BLOG SCRIPT THAT DOESN'T CREATE THE FAKE BLOGS CAUSE WE'RE DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS WHO DIG EATING SHIT blog, just provide your own shit and enjoy!
I actually wouldn't be surprised if it isn't a script, which makes it worse for the dumb fucks that not only cannot spell, but can't even follow their own mischievious plan through to the endgame. Shit eating fucktards.
I was daydreaming about that keyboard all morning, finally got it out of my head and sitting at work it's in the latest issue of ATOMIC I picked up on the way in.
I REALLY want this keyboard. You could have the toolbar mapped to keys for each individual app. I wonder if the Shift key changes the image? Surely. ATOMIC thinks the images might even be animated, but they were guessing I think. I bet this is every geeks "must have" item this xmas.
I am very excited about that keyboard. According to the designers site the keys are capable of anitmations if required, plus custom set-ups.
They have shots of different languages and even fonts which display on the keys (mama) but they also have a customised Quake key layout. I can't imagine the vendors of the games and apps would take long to release key-mappings for this thing, as it wouldn't be too much work for them.
You could so some seriously funky shit: Screensavers and stuff, I was picturing a game that uses the keyboard display as a volatile, interactive component that morphs and changes over time according to the rate at which that broadsword is being crammed down your throat in Offset.
Amazing job on your bog! I'll definatley be posting crazy amounts of shit about my shit.
I too love that keyboard, it is as has been stated previously lush as fuck.
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