Friday, August 12, 2005

Model Rocket Freaks

Do you think if I save $20,000 and put a 6' rocket up my ass I can realise my dream to go into space?

MORE DIRECT link to his rocket store

I just saw him on some MTV type show, he reckons these crazy-assed motherfuckers are going to end up launching mini satellites into orbit on model rockets. I would build an army of robots, send them to the dark side of the moon and have them drop moon rocks on Earth, enslaving mankind and holding the world in a tiny mechanised aluminium fist.


Blogger skaffen said...

Can we use these as a direct mailing system?

I was thinking about burning dvds of pirated handy-cam pr0n (don't ask,) grabbing some metal t-shirts from slovakia (sp?) and manga from lovely Japan and simply launching the fuckers straight to your antipodean abodes. Fuck customs and dodgy copywrite laws, eat flaming exhaust cunts!

6:16 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

If you go to Poland or nearby countries, keep an eye out for these bands:

- Dead Infection
- Squash Bowels
- anything else with the word "grind" on the flyer)

Polish grindcore bands are entertainment in its purest form. Drag your naysayer mates, get a few beers into them and they will love that shit. Seriously, if they are playing, go. It would be like the best Arthouse show in your life.

9:26 am  
Blogger eightball said...

Also remember if you're goign to Prague I can tell you where to find an awesome shop for Thshirts, (Slovakia is right next door)

7:48 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

That's right folks, it's pronounced "Thshirts" over there.

9:54 pm  
Blogger eightball said...

Thshirts like "TheShit" cause they're that fucking good. Cmon Stomp you should be up with all the hip ebonic terminolgy these days, I mean why the fuck else would you listen to Chingy, I figured you were widening your vocab.

10:07 am  

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