Saturday, July 30, 2005

Attn Monkeypox: WH40K

OK, this thread is probably long overdue.

I got the 11 year old into it and I have some questions and want to strike up nerdy Warhammer dialogue on TML.
- is current one 4th edition?
- let me know if you know of or spot anywhere I can pick up the smaller abridged version of the WH4K rulebook that you get with the McCragge game or whatever it's called. (I have the big rulebook as a pdf but don't want to shell out $80 for a hard copy.)

Um I thought I had more question but I guess that's it for right now. He's painting an ultramarine army we got from uncle Skaffen, next he wants to start his own Death Guard Chaos Marines army and I'll go Daemonhunters. He wants to go Lizardmen in fantasy. I'm looking at Wood Elves (don't laugh. The wife likes them.)


Blogger stompbox said...

... or in WH Fantasy I may go Orcs as they are tuffer and radder.

I remembered some questions
- is the miniature terrain making books worth the price?
- is the how to paint miniatures book worth the price?
- tell me a bit about the difference between dry brushing and using inks, I think I know what drybrushing is, do inks like give highlights or shininess or what? Superpowers?
- Instead of paying $50 for a set of paints from GW, we are using acrylics from the local hobby shop. It's taken me this long to discover we should be mixing those with paint thinners not water. Anyway they work OK. Are they OK to use bearing in mind GW paints are nearly prohibitively expensive? Can I use enamels over the acrylic as long as it's all bone dry? Can't see why not.

7:50 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

(I think I have that the right way aroun. Whatever GW sells, I'm buying the other type of paint.) We can several GW colours from a conversion chart, but not all. I shall eventually need to take out a bank loan to buy a paint set from GW, depending on what armies we choose. Fuck paying $8 for a paintbrush too. I can get 3 for that price. An $8 paint brush better suck my dong when I'm done painting or I'm going to feel a bit ripped off and foolish in the wallet department.

8:39 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

Firstly - nice work :)

If you have no idea what you are doing - the painting book is worth the price. Pretty much goes over the basics and how to paint an army. Not sure on the terrain book. Basically if you want to build terrain is probably worth it. I've been slack and bought most of mine (the graveyard and ruined tower a pretty good).

The GW paints are decent but have a problem with them drying out because of crappy containers. I've started replacing mine with Vallejo paints. Better bottles and the colours are almost exactly the same.

If you want to finish models quickly then use both inks and drybrushing. Drybrushing is for hightlights. Good for fur (you wipe almost all the paint off an old/dedicated brush, brush it over the high services of the model. It trashes brushes). Ink is used for shading, but be careful not to use too much and note that it takes ages to dry. I tend to hand paint my shading/do blending these days (takes ages). Blending is starting with a dark base coat then mixing slightly lighter each time and painting the next layer on while the previous is still wet. The painting book goes over the different techniques.

Try to avoid enamel paints. Use something water based (e.g. vallejo, GW) and mix with water to thin or flow enhancer from an art shop. I used 50 water/50 paint for thinning.

Good paintbrushes are worth the cash , but not GW cash. Try an art shop. Depends how good you want to the models to turn out.
Check out the Yahoo Groups mini-painter list - most of these guys are Golden Daemon competitors and give good painting tips.

The new book is 4th edition. I stupidly bought 3rd edition not long before then had to shell out for 4. I'll keep an eye out for you for the smaller one. Nice work choosing deathguard.

Wood Elves - chicks tend to dig them :) and some of the models are nice. Even though elves are g.h.e.y.

Oh yeah - vallejo paints unfortunately cost a bit too and are hard to get except from mail order.
I get mine from
Eureka Miniatures

One day I'll finish my home made painting tray. I've done the base and the sides. It's better than GWs becase I made it (even if it looks a bit like Homer's dog kennel).
If I get it finished I'll be able to paint while watching 24 and I might actually finish my chaos warrior horde. Then I can work on my thousand sons chaos dudes as well.

11:17 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Thanks for the advice dude. So my shopping list now consists of the painting book, some good brushes and GW or Viagra paints.

I like the look of the Thousand Sons figures but Jas prefers the Death Guard. I like the dude in the 2nd last White Dwarf who can teleport a squad of thousand sons into your ass.

12:26 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

I just found out Jas has decided to build a Daemon Hunter army instead. Bugger. At least I'll get to play with them and probably help paint them. And read the book. I'm just trying to cheer myself up (sob) I love those librarian terminators.

So I guess I'll do a cool Death Guard choas marines army, led by Typhus the Warp Ice Hockey Champion.
- tell me something, the 2nd latest White Dwarf had that dude Abrahim or whatever from the Thousand Sons, who uses "The Key" to teleport himself and anyone within 6" or something in a "deep strike" teleport behind enemy lines, apparently he counts as a HQ choice, and can be used in Chaos armies other than thousand sons. Does that mean I could have him in a cameo in my Death Guard army, to deep strike with a few Obliterators into the ass of the inquisition? How many HQ choices can you have? With Typhus the hockey lord, Abrahim and his key, and a Daemon prince or spawn or some other crazy-assed shit, and a squad of death guard dudes, am I going to be pushing my luck? I guess that army would have a huge point value, but Jas could back his Daemon Hunters up with a butt load of ultramarines, we have 15 kilos of those dudes.

(If you don't have that issue of WD tell me, I'll scan and post the article on TML.)

- and another question, from Skaffen we got these wicked old school robots (the marines we got are all the old Rogue Trader era womble marines, cool.)

Do you know anywhere online or maybe an old White Dwarf article for stats for robots? Are they in 4th edition rules? Could I adapt them from Rogue Trader rules, which I have a copy from when I was a kid? (Skaffen and I didn't have miniatures, our armies were squares of paper with "melta-gun" written on it) We have some marines kitted up with spanners and shit who could trail around behind the robots, like an old school version of servitor tech support.

The ultramarine army is going to be fun, heaps of marines, some heavy weapon squads and robots for heavy support. Even without tanks or dreadnaughts it will be a tuff army when it's ready.

There is an article on GW online at the moment about making daemon conversion models to put with any army againes the Daemon Hunters (apparently elaborating on the Daemon Hunters book.) Am I right in guessing then that the daemon or daemons possess the army, and you pitch the lot against the Daemon Hunters? Satan! My Daemon is going to have a "RATT" t-shirt.

The painting table sounds cool. I have a big trestle in the shed I'm going to set up, when things get ugly in the house I can grab Jas and run to the beer-stocked fridge out there and paint with him.

4:26 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

Ha ha, you said 'flow enhancer'

10:17 pm  
Blogger eightball said...

I download my own flow enhancer

3:24 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I've got pretty much every White Dwarf since 1996/97. No need to scan anything. The "Chosen of Ahrihman" or something are a HQ choice, but you get 3 for one HQ slot. HQ is a compusory choice and from memory the chosen can't be the leader, so you would need a chaos lord or similar as leader. Summary - 1 x HQ compusory. Can have 1 more. Max 2HQ.

Lore wise Tzeentch and Nurgle hate each other (and Khorne and Slaanesh). The only time you see more than one marked unit in a 40k chaos army is if it is chaos undivided. E.g. black legion. If you were going a pure deathguard army you could only take units with Mark of Nurgle (see Codex chaos space marines). Same with Thousand sons. If you weren't too concerned about a themed army you could mix nurgle and tzeentch units. That's if the hockey lord can be taken as a the commander of a non-pure deathguard army. (have to check the codex when I get home). There are a lot of rules and shit to get your head around.

The robots - got no idea what they are unless they are early necrons. Can you post a pic and I'll see what I know ? My 40k knowledge isn't huge as I've only been into it for 3 or so years. Been into WHFB for about 20.

The deamonhunters thing you mentioned I think is daemon hunters adversaries and like you said - a greater daemon takes over/possesses an entire normal army. A RATT T-shirt would be cool. You could have a demon leading ultramarines, but only when you play against daemonhunters.

Heh. Flow enhancer. I said it again.

11:04 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Thnaks dude. Pics of robots coming, and I'll check Rogue Trader because the more I think about it I think it had robot rules with frequent malfunction tables. Cool.

1:00 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I had a squiz at the rulebook this morning. You can't have any units with Mark of Tzeentch if you have a force led by a unit with Mark of Nurgle and vice-versa. Your Ice Hockey champ has to be leader and you can't take any MoT units in a deathguard army. Can't take any Slaanesh units in a mark of Khorne led force and vice versa. No problems if your army is led by an chaos undivided champ. No problems mixing Nurgle with Khorne or Slaanesh, or Tzeentch with Khorne or Slaanesh. You might need to go undivided if you want to take obliterators, but then you would miss out on Typhus. That's if you want him as Typhus. Cool model just for a Nurgle Lord. I just use the Ahriman model as a TS Chaos Lord. The Ahriman rules are a bit crap for the points.

Bloody complicated rules.

9:12 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

So you have a thousand sons army? I got all the codexeses down and I'm starting to think I'll change to that army. Am I right in getting the impression that those dude are like chaos space wizards, and can summon heaps of shit? Any more so than other chaos dudes? They look cool anyway, a bit better than most of the death guard I'm starting to think.

...and the new Black Templars codex will come out soon with new figures. Decisions, decisions. When I was a kid (about 7) I clearly remember thinking how rad it was going to be when I grew up because I could buy whatever toys I felt like and nobody could say shit. Now I am there, dude!

9:14 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I don't know if "army" is the right word for mostly unpainted miniatures :). I have two units of 9 TS rubric marines with an aspiring champion. Five termies . A las predator and a lord with a chosen retinue. I've only finished painting a couple. Will be getting some demons when I get around to it as well. Chaos space wizards pretty much describes them. You can't have as many unit choices as other armies (no obliterators, bikes, raptors or heavy weapon marines) but sorcery makes up for that. Every marine that isn't a standard troop (so champions, chosen and possessed) is a sorceror and has psychic powers. The rubric marines move slowly (slow and purposeful rule) but have 2 wounds. You can still take tanks, defilers and dreads. You can also take any Tzeentch demon. Upgrading horrors to all flamers is worth it as they don't have to take a psychic test to cast the doombolt spell. TS champions/lords can also take thrall wizards which can be sacrificed for an extra spell/psychic power.

Check out Bolter and Chainsword for army tips and pics. "The Ruinous Powers" forum.

11:27 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Cool! Thanks for the forum link.

12:12 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

You cunts.

I have been following this thread with some jealousy, then yesterday as I was wandering through a department store I came across a newsagent with White Dwarf. As I stopped to have a quick look I began to remember being stuck in England on holidays as a child with Mum. I somehow convinced her to buy me Spacehulk, Deathwing, and a stack of paints which I promised not to open till we got back to Australia. The next three weeks were spent painting miniatures and reading up on drybrushing etc. As soon as I saw ONE FUCKING PICTURE of a painted miniature in that fuckarse magazine I was hooked again. Now I'll have to blow ALL of my money on some stupid army of tiny little fucking plastic dudes and find some geeky English types to sodomise with my brutal squad acrobatics and powerswordiness.

Damn you all.

7:00 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Cool! DO it! I doubt there's a single IT workplace in Britain not crawling with WH geeks.

The WH40K merry-go-round continues, everytime I settle on an army choice my son poaches it and I move on, only to have him change to my new choice the following week. Anyway I think now he and his mate have settled on Tau, so I can do what I like out of Daemonhunters and Thousand Sons/what-the-fuck-ever. I might paint up a squad of Kroot and hand them over to the kids to support the Tau.

How Judge Dredd are the marines on bikes! Haven't been able to get to GW for a few weeks, next weekend we're on. My 11 year old is my stepson, poor kid must think it's a pain in the arse visiting his biological father every 2nd weekend, we were all set to go to GW this weekend but then remembered he couldn't. He seems to enjoy having a comic book buying, role playing 3D nerd for a stepdad. I get in trouble "forcing" him to stay up late playing SpaceHulk when he was meant to be doing homework.

3:35 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

Skaffen here's a word of advice:
When you grab a figure or box of figures, organise a time you can grab a coffee and go into the shop and have them walk you through assembly and painting. Sounds gay I know, they have it at Chadstone ("hobby academy") but I'm thinking it might be a good idea for me too sit in with the kids with my first box of goodies so I get it right, and can go do my own thing after that.

If Monkeypox lived nearby I'd try to drag him down there, I guess the how to paint book is probably a priority for me right now.

Anyway let us know how you go, post pics of purchases, etc etc

5:40 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

Well probably not drag him down there, but ring his doorbell...

5:42 pm  

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