Friday, August 12, 2005


This is apparently a game 3 guys are making out of their living room. I'm downloading the trailer right now, but wanted to post this to ram it home to Skaffen with my nerd post inferno.

Cutting edge 3D features yadda yadda the 3D guys spilt tartare sauce everywhere over this.


Blogger skaffen said...

and fucking good work you have done, nerd-boy. I am about to whack another, even nerdier, post up but I am still proud of your l33t-ness. Not bad for an old cunt :)

I am tearing down the torrent now to check this out. Boredom and realisation that though potentially lucrative England is still a dirty fuckhole (like Sydney) gives me motivation to get off my arse re games mods.

But where to start? Advice please minions...

6:20 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

"Epic fantasy first person shooter with cinematic quality realtime rendering." Looks pretty sweet.

Have you installed the XSI modding tools? Just open it up and make an Akira-type bike, from memory. Your own version. It doesn't have to be perfect, you need to make sure it's something you enjoy working on. You need to get modeling hours up, so whatever you can do to make it fun, do that. When you get sick of the bike or get stuck, do a tutorial. You'll pick up techniques here and there from the tutes which will suddenly make sense and slot into your workflow on your own shit.

So the first step is just to come up with something to model, something fun. Jap schoolgirl, robot, whatever. Not something easy like a handgun, but it DOES have to be something that'll make you giggle excitedly like a little bitch while you're working on it.

Your 2nd model will be better, your third even better... When you get stuck or bored on your character and item models, switch between that and an ongoing work-in-progress game level. You could plan it out on paper sure but there's nothing wrong with just getting in there and fucking about.

The only important thing is that you keep the process fun, because the process is the only important thing at this stage, not the results, because you are developing skills and a workflow. So you can do it without thinking about it, just doing it. Yay!

9:36 am  

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