I just got down Splatterhouse 2 and 3 with Sega Genesis emulator to run them. It's not the arcade version, but 3 is cool. 2 sucks.
I just read a review of the arcade ROM (lost the link sorry) which got me all excited so I hunted down the arcade ROM - the original and the best. A lot of the gore satanic imagery and general radness were toned down for the console versions.
has what might be the Jap version,
has a shit review and ROM link, might be the same ROM but I'm getting both down in case - I would prefer the Jap and ENG versions both if I can get them.
The ROMnation one is the go, and use their link to the MAME32 emulator. Put the Splatterhouse unzipped directory (whole folder) in the ROMS folder in MAME32, and it shows up.
Mame32 is misleading the first time you open it, it looks like you get a million games with it, but "all games" is selected. Change that to "available" and you'll see you only have Splatterhouse installed. I think we better start a TML retro ROM compilation. I want Alien vs Predators and the Metal Slug series.
I am a little bit excited right now. It's the real Splatterhouse arcade game, not a megadrive derivative.
"What are you doing up there?"
"Working!" Hack! Behead! Jump zombie vomit!
I just died 15 times in 2 minutes. I LOVE THIS GAME!!
Splatterhouse rocks.
I remember going nuts with Mame in the late nineties. Looks like it is time again. I'll fire up mame for:
Xain'D Sleena
Ghosts n Goblins
Ghouls n Ghosts
Ikari Warriors
Golden Axe
Double Dragon
and everything else I can think of that I poured heaps of 20c pieces into in the '80s.
Check out the Killer List of Video Games I've grabbed the Amiga emulator as well. I miss my A2000. Sniff.
Yeah I went crazy on mame about 6 months back, after I went totally beserk on it 6 years ago. My favourite has always been galaga. I have a few roms at home that I can pass around as ROMS are getting increasingly hard to find these days. From memory I have Galaga, Snow Bros, Mr Do, 1942 & Rampage which is about 90% responsible for
Plans still exist for building a pc133mhz mame cocktail cabinet/coffee table when we get our own house.
mame totally rules, I wonder if I can get tekken2 running on mame. Hmmm
although that would be murder without a decent joystick like....
something from here. There's an aussie company that makes these things but I can't remember their address, I'll have it at home.
I think Romnation.com has Tekken2 on their list but no higher. They have the first few Mortal Kombats too. Well, pages for them, the roms might not be there, like Alien v Predator isn't there (doh!) but keep your eyes open I'm sure they'll show up. There is porbably a MAME direct connect hub or something out there... I have downloaded some Metal Slug versions but cant run any which doesnt make sense they should work. Only Splatterhouse is metal enough for my laptop to allow.
And FUCK YES! to building a mame coffee table that would be so rad. I saw the banner ad for that console joystick setup on romnation - you could build a big awesome coffeetable if you put some thought into it.
I need to set up my kids their own PC sometime in the next 12 months - would be great to round up as many ROMs as I can for the kids to enjoy. They will probably think the games are shit.
I think you need a different emulator to run metal slug, neo geo emulator or soemthing. I remember the guys at work doing it.
google it.
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