Top 3
Here is the current Top 3 most outrageously bullshit words used by Stephen Donaldson in The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever - Book 1 - The Runes of the Earth.
1 - Indefeasible*
2 - Salvific
3 - Frangible
* Gets the number one spot for being used in the same sentence as the word "autonomic"
I only started compiling this list 3/4 of the way through the book, he seems to have realised the book will eventually end (despite dragging "they climbed a steep mountain" out over 180 pages, every angst-ridden footstep) and he'd better roll out the stupid made-up words while he has a chance.
This guy writes like George Bush talks on Dead Ringers.
1 - Indefeasible*
2 - Salvific
3 - Frangible
* Gets the number one spot for being used in the same sentence as the word "autonomic"
I only started compiling this list 3/4 of the way through the book, he seems to have realised the book will eventually end (despite dragging "they climbed a steep mountain" out over 180 pages, every angst-ridden footstep) and he'd better roll out the stupid made-up words while he has a chance.
This guy writes like George Bush talks on Dead Ringers.
Monday's Stephen Donaldson word of the days is:
inde·feasi·bili·ty n.
inde·feasi·bly adv.
Main Entry: in·de·fea·si·ble
Pronunciation: "in-di-'fE-z&-b&l
Function: adjective
: Bullshit word made up by some guy wanting to outdo J.R. Tolkein for most drawn out walk up a hill in lterary history. Go fairy mage go.
Come on, Roborant is a fucking cool word, even if it doesn't actually mean drunken robots crapping on about something that's upset them, like robo-chicks not putting out enough.
It scares me that they're real words, he must have the biggest, baddest thesaurus on the whole fucking planet.
Tuesday's word of the day: "formication" *
Bonus word: "gelid"
* Not only am I not making this shit up, the crazy motherfucker got a little bit excited at the start of Chapter 5, pulling "formication" from nowhere and using it 5 times in 4 pages. He's turned off his spell checker and instead of using a dictionary he's playing Boggle, and cheating.
Wednesday's word of the day: "evinced"
Thursday's word of the day: "nacre"
Friday's word of the day: "spilth"
This shit is like trying to read Chaucer. Not only do you not know the words, half the time you're not sure if it's a verb or an adjective for FUCK'S SAKE STEPHEN DONALDSON WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE ?? I'm getting gloomier and more angst ridden than Thomas Covenant. He only had leprosy and a messy divorce to deal with, he didn't have to try to READ THIS SHIT.
OK well I finished the first book. All joking aside it is a bit of work, like all of them were, but if you're into the Thomas Covenant books the effort pays off. It's more of the same tone from the first 6 books, which is what got me into the early series.
This first of 5 books does seem a little long winded, but I think he kind of had to do it that way to set it all up and get the mood - Linden Avery from the 2nd lot of three books is in the real world 10 yrs after Thoman Covenant was killed, and goes back to the land. Anyway by the end of the book you're right into it, now I have to wait for him to write the next one. Doh!
While it's not as easy to read as Harry Potter or a lot of fantasy out there like Feist etc (and I probably wouldn't like it as much if it was) someone like Skaffen will tear thru this in a week at the most. It took me about 2 weeks.
This new installment stands up well with the others, and the series as a whole is highly original with a lot of great ideas. He throws a few curve balls in this book too... after the 2nd trilogy, he was going to have to do something cool, and I feel he's pulled it off. Things get pretty cool but it's all a setup for what should be a ripsnorting next couple of books. You have GOT to love the battles and seiges in the Land.
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