Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Today I rode my new pushbike to work. When I showed up I found I wasn't the only guy with that idea, about 4 other guys had ridden in today as well. The difference however is that they all wear spandex jumpsuits & orange wraparound glasses. I mean seriously whats up?

Do bike shops not have mirrors or do these people really think they are fucking superhero's?

if anyone see's me dressed up like a fat version of Shazam you have my permission to beat the shit out of me & then spend some time trying to beat the shit back into me.


Blogger stompbox said...

I saw a little kid in a spiderman suit with built in muscles the other day - if it comes in your size, GET IT. You will look rad and save on gym fees and steroids.

7:40 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

Even if they don't have it in your size still get one. It would look awesome, just for different reasons.

3:58 am  
Blogger eightball said...

Hmmm good idea. DAMN GOOD IDEA

but I think I might get this & a lycra jumpsuit & ride to work as this guy.

Get out of the way of my lasercycle bitches, I'll steer at a right angle & fuck you real goooood....

9:12 am  

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