Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Domain Names

Where do I got to get a domain name? The people I used for Metalshtorm are about $45 AUS a year or less, can someone point me to a cheap one?


Blogger stompbox said...

Probably a .com.au one, but I'm interested in pricing for .coms also

8:51 am  
Blogger eightball said...

tera-byte.com were always really cheap. about US$9 per domain, hence why I have aobut 5 of the fuckers

7:49 pm  
Blogger eightball said...

that of course doesn't involve hosting. I have no real cheap options for that but a mate picked up hosting for about US$40 a year. I'll chase it up. & zonedit is the DNS server a majigger I use once every couple of years.

7:51 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

I went through a reseller of MelbourneIT for some reason. I think google provided me with some cheapo deal of the month. Anyway, most of the plans aren't too bad nowadays, just got to shop around.

Hosting = Handing your ass out on a platter. Most ISPs provide 10Mb or something for customers to host stuff on, and I rekon that's ample, paying for co-loc or anything is just way out fo control. If you need to host a server you can do it from home. If it can't be done from home that normally means it's making money, so the cost of hosting shouldn't be a problem.

So you're still paying for Metalshtorm domain registration and webhosting? I would advise moving the reg to a cheaper mob and hosting it from home, most ADSL plans disregard upload data nowadays (Whirlpool for ref) and it'd take us a day to build you a webserver from the ample spares we have lying around.

11:45 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Thanks for the comments

Thinking about name registration for my video project and small business - probably only a domain name for video project initially, I want to start a production log for that to use as a tool to sell the idea that I can produce the shit to a high standard with relatively little labour = cheap. Then build up the site as support for the show - with character info and maybe comic strips etc etc, downloadable shit and so on.

Web server at home is a GREAT idea. Metalshtorm was on free hosting from some metal heads in Austria. Stupid question - the web server would be on 24/7 right? I no longer run the webzine per se but still maintain it until I get the new guy up to speed, but hosting it and being in a position to maintain it to whatever degree would be sweet.

9:33 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I've registered a couple of personal domains through Enetica. Cheaper than Melborne IT. We use them at work as well. I've been running an old Sun box as a mail server at home for a few months now. I've had to turn it off during hot weather because I don't have an aircon in the computer room. If you purpose built a low power/heat Linux box I don't think cooling would be a problem.

10:37 pm  

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