Good calligraphy. Good Swordsmanshit

Holy fucking ass shattering spectacle of cinematic brilliance.
This movie is out in your local googleplex cinevillage. & you are required to go watch it.
You can take your chick along, & she will think you're being all sweet & educated for watching a foreign film. In lieu of a chick you can take a moist towel. (& you'll need it, however after you've wiped up it problaby wont think you're sweet & endearing)
You can watch Jet Li chop six shades of shit out of everyone that looks at him.
You can watch Zhang Ziyi do what she does best.
You can watch Maggie Chueng try to look hotter than Zhang Ziyi (& get fucking close for an older bird)
You can watch a couple of other dudes get busy with a spear a calligraphy brush & Zhang Ziyi.
You can watch a FUCKLOAF of arrows
& if thats not enough you can marvel limp wristedly at the amazing cinematography, the stunning use of colour palettes along with the (as to be expected) wire work blah blah
Just go & fucking see it. The story kicks along nicely for eastern cinema & it makes Crouching Tiger look like a low budget hack of a film.
Oh yeah, it's also by the same guy that did 'House of the flying daggers' which will be out in Australia in January & screening on Box Hill by December.
Was it subbed, or dubbed? I saw it a fair fair while ago off an internet download fan-subbed rip that wasn't the greatest quality. Still hard-on material though, probably going to see it in the cinema anyway.
And it looks like I'm not the only one with this problem.
It was subtitled & well worth going to the cinema for.
I had a look at the trailer for House of Flying Daggers & it looks equally awesome.
Talking to Stomp last night & we decided that all this super hot Asian cinema can only mean good things for the steaming shit pile that is hollywood at the moment.
I like to think of when Matrix came out & folded everyones ass in half.
Mine came with a seam down the middle and would fold in half quite conveniently.
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