Thursday, October 28, 2004

Morbid Angel Drum Check

Link to MP3 (Right click & save if you want)

You HAVE to hear this.

I almost pissed my pants laughing.


Blogger stompbox said...

Haha! Where did you find that? Is that a joke? Because if it's for real, it couldn't have been funnier if they meant it as a joke.

That's Peter Sandoval or whatever (unless its a joke and its a drum machine) who was in Terrorizer, who have reformed minus Dave Vincent, ex-Morbid Angel frontman and lame ass. I am more excited about new Terrorizer material than the last 4 MA albums.

11:57 pm  
Blogger eightball said...

A guy linked if off a design forum of all places, don't get excited, the place is generally crap.

But yeah, I am assuming it's real. simply becuase it makes me laugh so much I really want it to be legit.

9:34 am  

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