For some reason I cannot post comments on my own blog at the moment, so I'm posting this lovely image again with a link to the Australian site. I downloaded the single player demo, played it for about 20mins and went and bought the game.
It's not a direct translation of the WarHammer 40k rules, more a squad based combat system, similar to WarCraft 3. It's pretty good though, I'm having a ball. There's some novel concepts like squad morale which you have to take care of. Also, there's four 'races' and the means of progressing along the tech tree for each race are completely different requirements to that of the other races.
I'm just happy to see some form of differentation, when you look at games like the Age of Empires franchise it's pretty easy to lose faith in the genre.
Grpahics, interface and so on are all up to scratch. I'll whack up a review when I finish the fucker, as I've only played Space Marines so far.
I've got the demo down, but I want to finish Doom 3 first. I'll prolly go buy it just from what you said, plus an overview I've read. I like the idea that you have to actually take and hold ground to get anywhere. Stops base building fuckedness you get in some games.
Something else that looks potentially awesome:
GTA San Andreas.
I bought DoW yesterday. Like you said - not a direct translation - but it can't be as 40K is turn based, and this is an RTS. What I like is the fact that they have fully used the 40k background and implemented stuff crucial to 40K fluff. E.g. chaos aspiring champions used to "birth" a greater daemon. Ork Waagh.
It is great to finally have a PC game based on 40k that doesn't suck arse. Now if they could only do the same for fantasy battle.
I know no-one is reading this threaad anymore. I don't care. This game rocks. It is Warcraft III in space. No need for StarCraft II now.
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