Thursday, September 30, 2004


Holy crap, there's some amazing stuff up here. I'm torn between throwing down my pencil in embarrasment & throwing in my job to draw cool shit fulltime.

Stompbox, may have shown me this a while ago, I can't remember but even if he did, he's still going to need a nappy when he goes there again.


Blogger skaffen said...

Hmm, spanky.

6:17 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I did shit a biscuit - a bum biscuit - when I went to the site. The was only one artist's work I didn't like, where the stuff looked too much like recent generic D&D cover stuff. All of the rest was well awesome.

1:54 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

What the fuck? Who dumped a bucketful of warm tartare sauce down the front of my jockeyshorts? Oh.... um, nevermind.

11:24 am  

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