Thursday, September 16, 2004

Single player demo available. I heard about it from a dude on a 3d nerd email list, who worked on the explosions in the cinematic intro.


Blogger monkeypox said...

Beat me to it.
You have to register on bloody gamespot or something to download from fileplanet. Hopefully it will start appearing elsewhere fairly soon.

8:47 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

Firstly - where have all of you fuckers gone ? Off on holidays ? or is the demo that good ? I wouldn't know - the site gives me the shits everytime I try to download it. Registering for shit gives me the shits. I also haven't said shit enough.
Shit arse poo twat nob.

1:16 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

Stop sooking poofters, gamespot is alright and the registration is worth it as they provide a download manager off fileplanet that works real good. There´s got to be a torrent out already too.

You´re a pack of gay cunts.

8:21 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

Fuck off cock sucker

9:30 am  

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