is there anything BT can't do???

I'm a nerd
you're a nerd
we're all nerds,
so you will understand what I mean when I say VERSION 1 AD&D GUIDEBOOKS UP ON SUPRNOVA, GET EM WHILE THEY'RE HOT.
of course I alreaday have then so those of you within wireless leeching distance need not bother with downloading them.
But I ask you is it coincidence that these showed up the same day as 3 Bolt Thrower albums? Or is it possible Gary Gygax has finally got broadband.
I haven't actually had a chance to open these yet, but hopefully they have the original artwork scanned in, as thats the only reason I actually want them, the artwork in the current ones is shithouse (cause I downloaded them 6 months ago not realising this shit had been updated in the last 15 years) but the original 1 colour illustrations in the original books still stand up as some of the most influential art on my drawing style to date.
Dude you might be disappointed. That cover is the second edition one, not the original one with the big red demon on it and shit. The 2nd edition is when they took out all the rad artwork and replaced it with lameness. It might still be worth a gander, I can't remember looking at the 2nd edition books, but if it's anything like "Monster Manual 2"'s artwork it will just make you sad.
The start of this post reminded me of the words to the Tool song - hooker with a penisI just had the lyrics paraphrased in my head on repeat as:
"I'm a nerd, and if I'm a nerd,
then you're a nerd, and he's a nerd as well"
Make it stop please
On the nerd front - I downloaded the original games workshop Realm of Chaos "The Lost and the Damned" and "Slaves to Darkness" - I've got the v3 hardback army list in the bookcase (I'm that old).
Now I just need to get the BoltThrower albums to go with them.
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