My pants are tight...
...and they're only going to get tighter.
I couldn't be fucked pissing around with images this morning, it's the Doom3 website, release date Aug 3rd. Fuck me that gives me a hard-on.
Sure, bring on the 'no wonder you don't have a girlfriend' comments, I don't give a flying fuck. This game is going to fill your dacks with shit in about 8 seconds. In fact the full screen flash site is pretty scary itself. Prospective girlfriends can fuck off down the far end of my shotgun when this baby comes out, I'll be busy.
Speaking of scary shit, AvP the movie is out Sept 30th or something. All I keep thinking is, the AvP games horrified me. I would force myself to sit and play them on my own in a dark room, with the sound loud enough to have the bondage-queens next door banging on the wall at 4am, and then have nightmares for days afterwards (cause of the game, not the poofs). Now Doom3 is coming, I think I need my mummy.
I tried to explain to my boss how I could predict that I would be sick on August 3rd and probably the 4th too. He didn't seem to think that was reasonable. But as MonkeyPox knows, I got away with it for WarCraft3, so they can eat my arse. This game is going to affect the way I percieve the world like after reading Brett Easton Ellis.
I don't care if they fire me, I'll be busy eradicating the spawn of Hell.
I couldn't be fucked pissing around with images this morning, it's the Doom3 website, release date Aug 3rd. Fuck me that gives me a hard-on.
Sure, bring on the 'no wonder you don't have a girlfriend' comments, I don't give a flying fuck. This game is going to fill your dacks with shit in about 8 seconds. In fact the full screen flash site is pretty scary itself. Prospective girlfriends can fuck off down the far end of my shotgun when this baby comes out, I'll be busy.
Speaking of scary shit, AvP the movie is out Sept 30th or something. All I keep thinking is, the AvP games horrified me. I would force myself to sit and play them on my own in a dark room, with the sound loud enough to have the bondage-queens next door banging on the wall at 4am, and then have nightmares for days afterwards (cause of the game, not the poofs). Now Doom3 is coming, I think I need my mummy.
I tried to explain to my boss how I could predict that I would be sick on August 3rd and probably the 4th too. He didn't seem to think that was reasonable. But as MonkeyPox knows, I got away with it for WarCraft3, so they can eat my arse. This game is going to affect the way I percieve the world like after reading Brett Easton Ellis.
I don't care if they fire me, I'll be busy eradicating the spawn of Hell.
This conjures up good memories, memories of the time when Stomp said (3 hours after I'd moved in). My brother likes computer games, I'll get him over. & the rest of the weekend was spent in a parallel cable quake deathmatch beer-a-thon. A bond was formed that day, a bond stronger than any asskicking molten lava deathspell that Magical Guy could conjur. And I for one am glad that at least Skaffen is holding up his end of the deal.
I support you're fuck potential girlfriends comment (regardless of the consequences) at least you're not old & gay like the rest of us.
Form a clan & be done with it...
Tech specs are out too. I have to spend money to slaughter Satans minions...
Fuckers are gonna pay
Skaffen - remember how I built a kick-arse machine two years ago in anticipation of Doom III ? I'm going to have to up the motherboard and processor again, and explain why to the missus. Fuck.
I just bought Driv3r to tide me over and pre-ordered Doom3, saving myself ten mighty fucking dollars and scoring some pewter figure of a Hell Baron. w00t!
Now I gotta look into RAM, Video and SATA HDD. Fuck me.
I bought an entire new machine 2 years ago as well, just to run C&C Generals. We'll upgrade now MonkeyPox and when HL2 comes out I'm just going to hock my arse for gametime in an internet cafe or something.
At least I know I'm cooler than the people I work with. Most of them look at me funny when I mention Doom3 and then tell me I need a shave. What the fuck would they know? Pussies.
Normal mapping. They take a model with a way higher poly count and shrink wrap it over a low poly version. Responds to light and shit too if you do it right. Looks like everyone will be using it now, which is good news for gamers. Zbrush(2) is the weapon of choice, they used it at WETA.
Hey Eightball, "You can't do that to me, I'm the magical fairy princess!"
Thats funny, I know it is
I just can't remember why
It's in the archive, baby, yeah.
Down the right hand side you'll find historical (literally!) archives.
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