Sunday, February 03, 2008


To tide you over waiting for the long overdue Avalon post of pics from Skaffen's visit,

My 6 year old was near-tears yelling that he was bored, so I dusted off this box, never been used... longer bored.


Blogger stompbox said...

Lack of interest from you guys has not gone unnoticed

- Next time you're over, your characters get thrown into the Necromundan slave pits armed with paperclips.

Your objective, fight your way across 8 feet of cardboard scenery and survive.

The stakes? If you win, we ring Noodle World. You lose, I hold you while the kids kick you in the balls.

10:24 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I'm interested, but:

physically too far away to make a difference.

this post will have disappeared off the front page and you won't even notice it.

9:33 am  
Blogger MortarForker said...

I too am interested in your challenge, an appropriate coming-of age experience.

Unfortunately I am on the wrong side of this planet.

Has ANYONE found a decent online RPG or strat game we can play together? Turn based or otherwise?

10:07 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

Monkeypox I did notice, if we're ever in the same neck of the woods we should get a game on, of something.

Mortarcock Ammunition Seed -
Online would be OK but I am a mediacre GM. I need props to dazzle, distracting players from my bordom inducing yawnfest.

Actually I'm not that bad, but I could be better. I need to slow down and describe shit more instead of just plopping miniatures in, yelling "roll initiative" and piffing fistfulls of dice about the place like that's all that matters. ..What am I saying?

Mortar you should GM one day, Feng Shui of DnD or whatever

11:24 pm  

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