Grindcore '08

Just a quick post to remind all & sundry that this is totally fucking happening dude....
(I need to talk to the organisers in regards to doing the '09 posters cause this years one flat out sucks)
The big questions still need to be tackled like, who's driving (I might still have a cab voucher left over from work)
What time do we start
& what videos are we watching afterwards.
I've booked the Rumpus Room of Doom out for the after party but the beer fridge is a little low stocked at the moment.
it shall be rectumfried
I heard on the radio just now on the way to work that the drummer from Captain Cleanoff broke his arm in a motorcycle accident, and that it's up in the air whether they will play.
I hope they do, they're one of my favourite bands. I reckon someone might fill in on drums for them.
I don't think anyone should drive, we should do this properly. Also, I will get Alcodol.
Doors open 7pm, but do you reckon they'll start that early? We could get tea somewhere nearby...
I have Evil Dead 2 on dvd, but I think it's your choice dude I blew it with Tokyo Fist last time. RAMBO? Dunno.
Pretty excited, this is going to be a good gig.
Oh Shit!!!, I hope they can find a fill in, Cleanoff rule..
I'm up for Evil Dead 2 I've also got Aliens (Directors Cut) as well. I'd be bang up for those classics...
Hell I'd watch the Thing or Ricky Oh again as well..
I'm keen to get there whenever & a Victoria St dinner would be rad.
I'll check the cab charge, if I still have that we're laughin.
Next question...
What Tshirt to wear...
Choices include
Judas Priest - My standard gig tshirt for the last 5 or so years
Manowar - My previous grindcore gig standard Tshirt
Piece of Mind - This one is still yet to make a gig appearance I think. could either be timely or passe given the upcoming Maiden show in a couple of weeks.
Devo - usually reserved for melvins gigs... I don't know why.. it just is.
OK that mouth breathing idiot who does the PBS metal show was just on while I drove in to work, and Dave from No Escape/Fuck I'm Dead rang in to talk about the gig.
You could hear the DJ mouth breathing while Dave was talking, and he never asked him his name.
Anyway the bad news:
Captain Cleanoff are out. Aeroflot are on instead, first up at 7.25pm.
The good news is I heard Die Pigeon Die for the first time tonight on the radio. All I knew was they are a bunch of young kids.
Anyway at first I thought it was The Day Everything Became Nothing, sludgey goregrind with pitch shifted vocals, and again wondered why 8ball doesn't like them? But it sounded better than them, and then they pulled out a FID-style finger-tapping solo which went for 2 minutes and blew me away.
So with them, FID new lineup with drummer and 2nd guitar, and The Kill, we are set.
I was thinking today that I might drive and drink light beer, but I think that's asking for trouble and a suspended licence.
I didn't know you had a Piece of Mind shirt - wtf? I would be wearing it 24/7.
Hoping at the Maiden show I can get a Somewhere in Time shirt - I always loved that cover. Got to get the Missus a shirt too - sheesh. I have a feeling, a sneaking suspicion, that they will sell every Maiden shirt ever, plus a new tour one, at markups which will render you sterile with rage.
You want my advice? Go shirts-off-boysday, and buy a shirt when we get there. They'll have them at the No Escape Stand.
Which means we can get ball weepingly shitfaced & get back to Monty for nothing.... Could this be the best night ever? who knows
Bad news about Cleanoff I was really looking forward to them, & if they were axed I was holding out a vague hope they might replace them with Agents of Abhorrance cause I'm curious to see those guys.
In Tshirt updates, you can borrow my Piece of Mind shirt for the gig if you like & I for one & really hoping they have the classic 'the Kill' Melbourne Grind Syndicate shirts.. I've been after one of those bastards forever
I was up all night with the runs and then got in trouble for sleeping in. I just hope I can hold the seal at the Corner. I recommend a 2 meter safety zone to my rear and sides.
It Begins!!!!
My mobile rang in the morning, I answered and it sounded like The Kill ripping into a new track. Then I realised it was my wife. Ouch.
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