Watching Skaffen's Xfire clock...
...measure his life being wasted at an astonishing rate begs the question:
Can you have a funeral for someone who's still alive?
Blizzard probably hold ceremonies that let you declare the WoW victim legally dead for $25/month.
Can you have a funeral for someone who's still alive?
Blizzard probably hold ceremonies that let you declare the WoW victim legally dead for $25/month.
I'm actually surprised. It is less than 6 days. I was expecting it to be higher by now. I've recently joined a new raiding guild in WoW, with 20 and 40 person nerd fests the norm. It means I play less days per week, but those days I do play I'm on for 4 or 5 hours. Usually adds up to 8 hrs per week. 3 weeks and another day gone from my life. But the alternative is TV and TV is shite.
I am engaged in a ongoing battle to refrain from playing every waking hour. I have to go to work, and remember to eat. Pooing is fortunately something I can do in my sleep, so does not detract from my WoW time.
Unfortunately, as MonkeyPox highlighted in his reference to Barrens Chat, I am stuck on servers with four thousand pre-pubescent Croatians who think it's awesome to challenge you to a duel every three seconds and call you a 'Fukwanker' or some such insight. This means it's very, very difficult to find people to quest with who aren't fukwankers and will stick it out till the end.
The other problem is, I still want to try being a warrior, and a warlock and a....
The Burning Crusade looks fun too.
I think I am saved by the fact we finally have some nice weather here. It's so rare that I find I have to go outside on the weekend and enjoy it, cause it'll be over in a fortnight. I bought a BBQ last weekend.
It also turns out that girls in England are some weird breed of were-beast, in general they really aren't that nice to look at, until the sun comes out, then everything changes...
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