Friday, April 28, 2006

Must... not... spend... money...


Blogger eightball said...


If I was 11 that Millenium Falcon would have me running to my bedroom with a box of kleenex...

Oh it should be said that my Mum is pressuring me to get my Star Wars figure collection out of her house now that I have my own which means I get to have my original 1983 2 foot long M-Falcon suspended from the kitchen ceiling, I'm thinking of installing the required smoke detector in it, so if we ever have a fire, as we're running out of the house at least we'll be able to say

"RAD, Han's just turned on the hyperspace warning alarm"

& it should be said ever since the bike lycra came in

I pretty much look like this 2 hours a day

10:46 am  

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