Sunday, March 26, 2006

"At least you don't have a girlfriend to lose"

My housemates helpful comments as I sit here installing potentially the biggest mistake of my life.

Yep, it's WoWtime kids.

Farewell, it's been good. Tell my family I love them.

P.S. I have also found a little shop around the corner that imports Gundam model kits from Japan and sells them to me, with paints and glue and all the fun stuff. So much for trying to get a root...


Blogger monkeypox said...

Cya Skaff.
Pity you will have to be on the European servers or I would be at least be able to catch up with you online. A warning if you choose Horde as your side. "Barrens Chat". Are you going for a PVP or PVE server ? Be prepared to be ganked on a PVP server, but it is more fun because you start wanting revenge

11:23 am  
Blogger skaffen said...

All the PVE servers were full over here, so I am on a PVP server and looking forward to getting my arse handed to me.

I am a hot night-elf druid call Skaffette and 14 year olds keep trying to hook up with me, I think cause I am wearing leathers.

"Barrens Chat"? I am sure I will learn the meaning of this later. I need to read up on the races/classes to pick what I want do follow through with. In the meantime I am going to test a few out, I always wanted to be a Paladin. But undead are cool too.

8Ball quite strongly advised me to stay the hell away from WoW, I knew he would be right and stupidly didn't listen. Last night I had dreams about this game, which is NOT a good sign after just one day of playing.

They say I can migrate my characters when I come home Pox so we can hook up then and take on quests together.

Any of you want to call us gay need to fail the following short test first:

Question one: What does THAC0 mean?

End of test.

1:09 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

"Question one: What does THAC0 mean?"

Hah ha. You know none of us can fail the above. WoW just does all the calculations for you with thousands more nerds.

The Barrens is the horde level 10-25 area. It is a huge game area. Because of this general in game chat in the area is full of stupid questions and stupid replies. Roll a horde alt on another server. Get it to level 11 and go see what I mean.

Blizzard have been working on paid server transfers for a while, but still no new news. I don't know if they will include cross location transfers as well (Europe -> US/Aus)

Here's the latest info my my nerdy WOW character.

4:23 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

Sometimes I think about getting WoW for my 12 year old, but I think I'd miss him too much.

5:26 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

16 hours in the first two days, one of which I was meant to be at work.

Do NOT give this game to minors, they will forget their toilet training and refuse to leave the seat. I did.

Good god this thing is awful, and I still don't know what character I want to stick it out with. My Druid can change into a bear now, but does this mean I shouldn't try out a Palladin? Oh please help me. Do I learn to enchant weapons, or skin animals and make my own armour???

The next gen of these things is meant to be even worse, take Vanguard, Saga of Heros for example.

Fucking Hell.

10:27 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

At least the aussies and yanks are getting a days rest while all of the servers are down for patch 1.10. The official forums are insane. Losers going nuts because they can't log into WoW for one fucking day. Go to the toilet. Go outside or something.

Short version:
Fuck it, just try every character out to at least level 10 and see what you like.

Really long answer:

If you want easymode: roll a Pally. They are good at not dying, but aren't really the master of anything. End game they end up being a healer and cleanser in plate. They can tank, but nowhere near as well as a warrior. They are still being reviewed.

I've pretty much stuck with a Warlock since the start. I've got a mage alt which is fun as well. When I started the warlock it was one of the most complex classes to play, but a lot of problems have been fixed since then. Warlocks are still complex but have had a few buffs. A friend here plays and likes playing a Druid. Pretty much a jack of all trades with an animal for m for each. A good healer as well.

Want to hit things until they die and take all the damage in groups ? Warrior

Want to hit things, heal yourself when they hit back and take longer to kill them than a warrior ? Pally

Want to hit things quickly and hide from them (like 50% of the fucking players on every server) ? rogue

Want to heal and buff people, but also have decent ways of hurting stuff ? Priest

Want to kill stuff from far away and have lots of ways to escape if things don't go well ? But be really squishy if you get caught ? Mage

Want to kill stuff slowly from far away while a summoned pet helps out and have enough hit points to survive while still being a bit squishy ? and put up with having to farm soulshards at level 60 ? Warlock

Want to kill stuff from far away or up close and have a decent pet help out ? Hunter

Want to do a bit of everything ? Druid.
(Druid: bear = warrior, cat = rogue, normal form = caster)

My character is a tailor/enchanter.
I only recently got to 300 enchanting in over a years playtime. It is bloody expensive to level and takes ages. I'd recommend going leatherworing/skinning.

2:06 pm  
Blogger eightball said...

can I have your paycheck now you obviously wont have any need for it?

11:07 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

Earlier this week changes to the English tax system were announced. Until now people have been able to purchase computer equipment through work prior to VAT and income tax, totalling about 40% off retail. This was done to encourage families to invest in computers and get England into the electronic age.

Computers are cheaper now, and it's a left-wing government, so they're abolishing this and enforcing full taxes on purchases, as of April 6th. So unfortunatley I do need my paycheck, in order to save 40% off everything! :)

In reality I am happy-ish about not leaving the house, because as the european summer kicks in (we just got daylight savings and pushed the temperature into two digits) I will have money to travel to Europe that I would have otherwise spent on beer, food and toilet paper.

11:58 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

Oh dear.

Two of my housemates are away at the moment, so at this time there is only myself and Tisiphone around. Last night I got home from work, ate left-overs and logged on. Tisiphone and I spent about three hours on the grind before running into a ganking horde party several levels above us who proceeded to tear us apart for 45 minutes.

At around midnight I gave up and logged off. Matt said 'those guys were cunts.' I went to bed. It was only this morning I realised that was the total of our direct, human interaction yesterday. Four words and a grunt.

I love this game.

7:29 pm  

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