Saturday, July 30, 2005

Attn Monkeypox: WH40K

OK, this thread is probably long overdue.

I got the 11 year old into it and I have some questions and want to strike up nerdy Warhammer dialogue on TML.
- is current one 4th edition?
- let me know if you know of or spot anywhere I can pick up the smaller abridged version of the WH4K rulebook that you get with the McCragge game or whatever it's called. (I have the big rulebook as a pdf but don't want to shell out $80 for a hard copy.)

Um I thought I had more question but I guess that's it for right now. He's painting an ultramarine army we got from uncle Skaffen, next he wants to start his own Death Guard Chaos Marines army and I'll go Daemonhunters. He wants to go Lizardmen in fantasy. I'm looking at Wood Elves (don't laugh. The wife likes them.)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Guitar Shred Show

This is awesome, & educational. Educational in the way that it teaches you the finer points of guitar shredding...

fucking crazy mad.

If they keep updating this it will be freaking awesome

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Encounter Agents

I saw an awesome documentary on Foreign Correspondant last night, about Mumbai in India, "Maximum City", the New York of India.

The cops are called "encounter agents", a euphamism for hit squads. They interviewed a famous self-styled dirty harry cop, who has action films made about him, he said the criminal gangs are filth and he is the cleaner. He is the coolest indian guy I have ever seen. Like Clint Eastwood if he was Indian. They shoot to kill, and call it self defense. And when I say shoot to kill, I mean they go looking for them, find them, and shoot them.

They interviewed a gang dude, he was shitting himself. The legal system has too many loopholes, so the cops say "fine. weak legal system? no problem" and saddle up in minivans with AK47s and magnums. American cops watching that doco would rush to the loo to rub one out. The cops are all in casual gear too, an hilarious motley bunch of indian guys, armed to the fucking teeth. They have like a huge mafia there. I want to see the films based on it.


I didn't ever plan to link directly to Wired from this blog, but it's late and I cannot be fucked finding more appropriate sites:

Wired article on Nerdcore, so gay I just HAVE to start downloading.

The Wiki link has more info and links and shit.

I am so gay.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Celebrity Skin

Alien loves Predator

The thing I like about this webcomic is half the time the google ads up top are for motivational tapes and anti-procrastination suppositories.

Friday, July 22, 2005


Check out the articles on Supreme Commander and try to tell me you don't have a boner.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Less than meets the eye

I'm sure everybodies seen this, I know I have, I link it more for posterities sake.

These cars make me want to buy some clunky piece of shit car, $3000 worth of sheet metal & a pop rivetter.

Seriously fucking awesome. How much fun would it be to have one of these & take it down Chapel St on a Friday night. (at 4kmph)

Yeah I'll drag ya... what.. you mean fastest wins???

I thought it was just coolest wins, forget it then. I can't drive any faster than walking pace or the airbrushed picture of my fiance singing kareoke is in danger of peeling off..

No baby, it's OK there's no-one around...

Look it's hardly the raddest thing ever linked off TML, but it is kinda funny.

A collection of people (chinese, hong kong whatever) caught sharing their deepest emotions (f*cking) in cars. It's not porn, but it's not really safe for work either.

(image removed so Stomp can continue to waste time at work)

However it is funny for the looks of horror alone

I link it mainly cause it's been slow around here.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Oh my fucking god.

Midway Games have got John Woo AND Chow-Yun Fat in to make Stranglehold.

It's a pants-off-and-everyone-get-spanking sequel to Hard Boiled.

I have a fucking hard-on.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Rebellion is a UK based games development mob who I discovered while sneakily looking for games tester jobs (or anything else I could find) instead of looking for real jobs.

It turns out they have purchased the rights to the entire character portfolio of 2000AD and are therefore going to start pumping out some incredibly awesome shit.

Or they're going to fuck it all up.

Which is why I am applying for a job with them, so hopefully I can keep them in line and prevent them from destroying our childhoods.

P.S. This may be a dupe, I can't remember rightly

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Transformers Icon of the Day

Stumbled across this looking for Transformers torrents for my kids.
Now maybe someone can explain
- how to use them
- why I would want to bother

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Move Review: Batman Begins

I saw this with work so I got paid to see it, but it was pretty cool. They do the thing 8ball hates, showing the backstory of the character - but it consists mostly of Christian Bale KICKING ASS so it's cool. The movie is good. See it. They had to make a good one to get away with starting over - they pulled it off.

I REALLY want to see The MAchinist - the film Christian Bale did immediately before Batman. He got down to a stupidly low body weight for it, and it looks creepy as fuck. Then he super fast got buff for Batman. American Psycho shit me but I like Christian Bale now. He has definately hit his stride.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Movie Review: Equilibrium

Equilibrium is the first movie Kurt Wimmer (AKA "The Wimmer"!) has both written and directed (he previously co-wrote gems like Sphere and some other films.)

The catchphrase on my fathers dodgy arsed pirate versions sleeve says "Forget the Matrix! This movie will blow you away!" This is an exaggeration, but it is still a fantastic crap-up of a film.

Christian Bale plays some dude called Preston, who is a 'Cleric', the last bastion of defense and the greatest warriors of a futuristic regime that has solved all of humanities problems by getting everyone in the world addicted to an overclocked version of Prozak that seemingly prevents anyone from having any 'feelings'. How gay.

It's a pretty b-grade film in many ways, but that's easily solved for Mr.Wimmer by the script. No-one has any feelings, so they don't need anyone who can actually act. Plus it's set in the future, so heaps of shit can be done with CG, saving money on things like sets, costumes, vehicles, weapons, actors and cameras.

Redeeming features? The film has style, and some cool gun related activity in it. The Clerics wear awesome outfits that remind me of the Hellsing anime series and the weird manga about the priests with massive handguns and foxy nuns with big eyes (Stomp can tell you what it's called.) Best of all Wimmer has implemented "Gun Kata" which is a martial art designed for the use of firearms. Apparently through calculating optimum firing arcs, targeting accuracy when facing mulitple foes and shit like that they've designed an almost authentic gun-fu. It rocks pretty hard in the film, especially when they bring out shotguns. Very John Woo.

Oh yeah, they use swords too, but no-one bleeds in the future.

Wimmers latest effort, Ultraviolet , is some kind of vamipre-esque sci-fi film has Milla Jovovich in it and they have reportedly taken "Gun Kata" to new levels with authentic kung-fu shit in it, like it's almost real. Cool.

Skaffens rating: Better than shopping with your Mum for 6 days straight in the Middle East. Rent or download it now, enjoy with beer and idiot mates.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Animal Logic Showreels

8ball you might already have these, but if not, here are 3 reels for your inspiration folder. You'll dig the design one, there are also film and TV commercial reels.

Holy crapoos!

This little beauty is about to come out on the PSP. I can get a PSP in the UAE for about $300.

Fuckme, I am off to the shops, right fucking now...