Saturday, May 14, 2005

Napolean Dynamite

What an awesome movie. Hire this immediately. He talks like Eightball but looks more like Skaffen. Even your deadshit mates should dig this. Insane level of uberdork happening here.


Blogger skaffen said...

I had heard this was an awesome film and shall endeavour to watch it as soon as possible.

I am currently working my way through Tenchi Muyo which is very childish like most Japanese serial Anime, but good fun nonetheless. It is very weird in that the humour is about that of a 12 year old (or younger) except the odd joke about one of the chicks being a bit of a masochist and when zapped with an electro-lightning-sword-of-destruction while strung up by her feet starts to scream 'I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Very much Skaffen's kind of thing :)

1:36 pm  

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