Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Back on Deck

What do I do again, when do I eat & what time do people get up in the morning's.. It's 5am & my body tells me thats all the sleep I'm getting tonite (not too bad considering I crashed at about 5pm), I've been back on Aussie soil for 24 hours, most of which was spent in a Bill Murray-esque from Groundhog Day haze.

Europe was awesome, for the most part very chilled out but very expensive, I have officially now paid up to $10aud for a bottle of coke without realising it. But if you want cheap beer Germany & Eastern Europe is a must, you cant pay more than about 35c for a 1/2 litre stein of beer ALL DAY LONG, fantastic.

I don't really have any photo's handy yet but seeing we have about 2000 images burnt to cd's there will be many a yawn coming from all involved when we start slide show evenings. The best thing about Europe & the UK, cheap dodgy classic metal tshirts, I should have got so many more but the luggage was getting out of control so I had to settle for an Iron Maiden (from Prague) a Motorhead (from Barcelona) a Misfits (from the UK) & possibly another I've forgotten about. That combined with 4 litres of duty free booze means that this is a trip that will continue to live on for weeks.


Blogger stompbox said...

Good to see you back mate. Shirts sound like a great score.

11:32 am  
Blogger skaffen said...

And congratulations too my friend.

Another good man down...

10:00 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

It's like watching timelapse footage of a magnificent wildebeast shot in the ass with a tranquiliser and diving nose-first into the dust.

10:24 pm  

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