Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Rocketing shit-powered bikes

Has anyone seen this, I've spent exactly 4 seconds looking at this so I don't know if it's a published comic or online. if it IS online then I think it might be the best looking online comic I've ever seen.


Blogger monkeypox said...

Awesome. I've read the archive already. Now I have to wait a week for an update. I think the art is way better than the story.

3:34 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

Good links page I found on a site linked to that SteamPowered site. Lots of online comics for me on nightshift, and the rest of you with boring computer day jobs. You get to stare at computers all day. I have to sit in front of teenage adolescents. You cant even run Tertis on one. I am a frustrated nerd.

That SteamPowered comic is so-so. I like it when he draws girls, it looks a bit like Battlechasers girls with Metal Slug soldiers. But the story is shit, he's all over the shop with the whole thing. Even a really simple story like No Need For Bushido style would be better. And where's the giant steam robots? COME ON!!!

1:24 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Now reading:
- this guy read to many Lobo comics. You're right, there's no such thing as reading too many Lobo comics. HEAPS of pages in the archive, and if you still want more after that there's a black and white series which I think is from before that.
Only started this one and got a few pages in before getting distracted by Dominion (see above.)

5:33 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I've been getting the occaisonal laugh from Alien loves Predator.
Not the best, but still OK.

11:02 am  

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