Saturday, February 26, 2005

Keanu Reeves "acts" like a Thunderbird with Aspergers Syndrome

... but that didn't stop me thoroughly enjoying CONSTANTINE. They take enough from the comics to make it really cool. A young Alan Rickman (amongst maybe a dozen others) would have made a better John Constantine, but somehow it's still cool. I think it's the good dialogue and script. Even though the delivery is appalling, it still shines through and wins you over.


Blogger eightball said...

I've heard good things about this movie, & in a further round of blasphemy I didn't even know it was a comic to film.

which is possibly a good thing.

I also heard the fantastic 4 trailer is awesome, but I will hold judgement on it till I see it.

oh also The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy movie is due out in a couple of months.

They've taken liberties with casting & script but it still looks OK.

it's own post will be available when I don't have to go to the toilet.

5:32 pm  

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