
Click on the beautiful Chicken Parma to be taken to "Search for a Super Parma" these guys have a ladder of the best parmas around Melbourne, scored according to their meticulously developed rating system.
They include a list of pubs that don't sell parmas too and ways to protest and encourage the practice at these foolish establishments.
I am going to the Palmerston Hotel tomorrow for lunch to give the top rated a go.
haha I saw this the other day. In fact tomorrow I am goign to one of the top 5 for lunch to check it out.
I can vouch for the Skinny Dog parma, its huge & fantastic.
So todays candidates for TML parma of the year are Palmerston & College Lawn Hotel. We were going to go to Palmerston for the parma but that photo made it look small. & I like a parma so big I can sleep under it.
Skaff, take a photo of the parma for comparasion when we actually see you.
Well I went to the College Lawn, I gotta say I think the superparma site is wrong. 16.5 my ass. it would be lucky to score 14 in my eyes. It's thick which is good but not nearly big enough, I ate the parma, chips & salad provided & without flinching ate 2/3 of a mates parma that he didn't want (pussy?).
In my eyes this is not a good thing & I stand by the parma's at the skinny dog & the East. Parma's that you look at & wonder how teh fuck something that size came off 1 chook.
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