I am sure you know Firefox has hit version 1.0 Preview Release.
Some people whinge about bugs still, insisting on waiting for full release dates etc. But I'm sitting here stunned after an experience of pure technological joy that something can work so well these days in what's generally a fucking disastrous environment.
MonkeyPox made mention to me of a Gmail plug-in earlier today or yesterday. When I went to take a look I found I was running a 'too old' version of Firefox. Great, updatey-time, here we fucking go:
4.5M download, clean install, full import of all settings, features and other wonders of my other browsers without even trying. I clicked three times to make this happen? Only thing it couldn't do was install extensions from other versions. Right, let's hunt for my fav extensions...
I spent less than 10 minutes looking at and installing extensions, I now have:
Status bar notification of new Gmails (with one-click access), 'Foxy Tunes': FULL CONTROL of iTunes from my browser status bar (WTF!!), the ususal mouse gestures, tabbed nav etc, pop-up blocking, tools to fuck off unwanted ads, compatibility with arsehat Hotmail and IE only pages (or the ability to 'open in IE window' from the context menu if absolutely neccessary), RSS feed live updates of FUCKING BOOKMARKS IN YOUR LINKS FOLDERS FOR FUCKS SAKE!
Mozilla etc were always cool with funky features and ideas IE couldn't do easy, but this thing has blindsided me completely.
If you're not using Firefox, get it now.
RSS feed of TML is in the middle of my bookmarks toolbar. So is /., the Reg, Whirlpool + Ebay summary.
Handy extensions: bugmenot (save registering for web sites like TheAge), Single Window,
Allow Right Click (override right click prevention on images), close tab on double click. Adblock and SAGE (RSS) you already mentioned.
This month's Atomic mag has some cool stuff in for Firefox too.
I've settled on the Noia 2.0 Extreme theme as well.
There has never been a better time to tell Microsoft to fuck off and piss off IE. Service pack two is too little too late.
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