More shit that makes me laugh sometimes
Hopefully Stomp hasn't seen these - so he will waste even more time reading them. Mostly flash animations, but other shit too:
Weebl and Bob
Weebls Stuff
This one gave me a laugh a couple of days ago. A dude setup a PC to answer his phone when a telemarketer calls. The cunts don't even realise they are talking to a computer.
Telecrapper 2000
Watch out if you are using shIEt - the fuckers site uses popups and tries to change your home page. Again - not a problem if you are using a decent broweser, like Firefox.
Weebl and Bob
Weebls Stuff
This one gave me a laugh a couple of days ago. A dude setup a PC to answer his phone when a telemarketer calls. The cunts don't even realise they are talking to a computer.
Telecrapper 2000
Watch out if you are using shIEt - the fuckers site uses popups and tries to change your home page. Again - not a problem if you are using a decent broweser, like Firefox.
Got to mention that one of my favourites on the weebls stuff site is Mr Stabby (do dee do dee do). Go back through the archives to find the first episode. (page 4). This dude is the cunt responsible for badger badger badger.
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