Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hot Cartoon Chicks

My ranting in a comment to this post [ when I should be going home to my family ] reminded me of a discussion I once had with Skaffen - who our favourite cartoon chicks were. I think Retro Crush was either part of the discussion or prompted it. My favourite, at least from the Retro Crush list, is Red Sonja
My favourite cartoon chicks are changing as I read more web comics. There are some pretty sexy mysterious ninja chicks in No Need for Bushido - but then that's probably the main reason Skaffen reads it.


Blogger skaffen said...

Battle Angel Alita

Hands down the foxiest leather-clad girl-robot ever conceived.

Sometimes she's happy, sometimes she's had a few limbs torn of and aint so happy. But she's always cute and has really big eyes and spunky black hair and sometimes guns and good boobies and I really like her a lot oh my god I am a disgrace to myself and my family

7:23 pm  

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