Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Hulk of shit

Just saw The Hulk for the first time and to be honest, it wasn't as shit as I was expecting.
Though it was pretty shit.

I've been playing XIII recently, which you may or may not know is based on a long running French comic series. It's got some cool elements with framed shots and stuff, multiple perspectives of scenes inlaid simultaneously onscreen and shit so it's like a comic, but one that you can actually run through blowing motherfuckers away. The Hulk reminded me of that, Ang Lee actually did a pretty good job of making a motion picture comic thing. The content may have been a bit of an arsefart, but it was really nicely presented.

If you disagree, think of the diabolical turd that was Daredevil and get back to me.

Jeniffer whatsits has actually got kind hot now she's older, but she shoulda worn more leather.

And the most bestest part was when the irradiated mutant-motherfucker rottweiler sunk his jaws in and wouldn't let go and the only way fuckface could get it off was by punching it in the nuts, a couple of times. Brilliant.

My rating: Better than eating shit off someones chest.


Blogger eightball said...

Interesting, I still haven't seen it
1. because comic to films generally suck balls
2. I don't have a screaming kid begging me to take them
3. I am content eating shit off peoples chest's

11:37 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

The idea of a film/comic juxtaposition (like my use of a big un-fucking-neccessary word ?) isn't new. Remember tank girl ? I didn't mind that, but then I am older and wiser now. If I saw it again I might think it was crap. I remember watching Daredevil with my brain turned off, so I generally enjoyed it. However, if I rewatched it with a more critical/awake eye I might think more like this.

4:37 pm  

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