Friday, July 27, 2007

The Challenge is set

What I (for stomp) needs....

We have a functioning old as shit IBM laptop (no not that one you gave me Skaff, even older & crapper) I think it's about a 333mhz job, by all rights it should be getting kicked to the kerb. but it's gone 1 last chance to live a rad life as something which for now... will remain a secret...

We need an OS on it - nothing flashy All it's going to do is show a few JPGs or maybe run a really simple Windows App, problem being, there's no CD drive, or ethernet or even a floopy drive on this bastard.

I need something I can copy onto a lappie hard-drive from the desktop PC, & that shit will boot once in the lappy, simple agricultural but functioning.

I started going down teh Win ME angle, found a CD but it wasn't booting to the CD & started pissing me off, strike 1 against Windows I aint fucking about with boot disks & all that shit

I'm open to stripped back as shit linux distro liveCD's (if I copy them to the HDD will they work?) this thing just needs to boot into some shitbag OS & it needs it FUCKING YESTERDAY!!

Skaffen.... put down the pull rag & get on this challenge, Sissy Longsleeves needs your help

Monday, July 23, 2007

AVALON - Holiday Update

Long Overdue.

Went to Wagga to visit the Grandparents, ebetered a D&D competition at the library, they were giving away one D&D basic game set each day. Left the house on about day 3 to walk to the library and enter again, the mobile rang to say the 6 year old had won. So we went and picked it up, hoorah.

It's kind of this one, but different. Has lots of painted plastic minis, and gaming tiles. We started using the minis pretty much straight away.

It was good because we're running Avalon with D&D 3.5 rules, which I'm still learning as we go along, and the basic game box simplifies a lot of the character stuff - skills, which I hadn't touched yet, and which we've now sorted out for most PCs, and feats, which we'd touched on but are now phasing in more.

Also now the little guy has his own dice galore.

I cracked out a set of painted Warhammer goblins I'd got cheap off ebay. They were met with delight, but I got in trouble because the village the party started at before the caves weren't represented by scale models of each individualy building. Sheesh, cut me some slack over here.

Sissy longsleeves represented by a lego man. The mouse torchbearer represented by a lego head. The mouse applied his torch to a goblin's eye socket at one point, doing 2hp and taking a slice of party XP for that encounter, which caused some grumbling and hilarity at the Mouse who now think's he's a full-fledged (0 level) hero.
Played more down at the beach house.

New dice purchases, shown next to conventional sized dice to show the radness of scale. These puppies roll great on carpet, and can put holes in a dining table faster than you can yell "shitto burrito."
The nearest is "Bouncing Betty", the lizard players new hit dice. Then "Dam Buster", the green one, the little guy's new hit dice, and behind them the white set, my new GM dice I call the "Room Brooms".
The Cockatoo was counted on to clean this place out. Instead he fumbled like a potatoe, tangling his axe up in the lizard's swords, and taking damage like I don't know what.

I overrode the boys when Sissy took a hit. He turned tail and ran, looping around through a secret passage on the far side of the dungeon to "flank the bad guys". Of course, by then the fight was over.

So rest assured, the cockatoo and lyre bird are being accurately role played in your absence dudes. Game on.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Star Wars books

Yo! Nerds!

Who's read some Star Wars books?
If you, or anyone you know has sunk into this pit of nerdity I'd like to know which ones are worth reading.

Tell me, now.

This one's for tha boyz

Future Pinball!

Create your own tables! Download heaps of others! Waste more time!