Friday, January 19, 2007


We started the campaign down at the beach house.

The kids loved it. Now I'm screwed, if each session isn't just as good as the first I'm going to be shouted down. The 5 year old initially thought throwing dice was gay, and made it clear he'd prefer that we go outside and whack the shit out of each other with sticks. But halfway through he announced that "this is the coolest game I have ever played."

He liked the printed map handout - another problem, he'll expect one each session. I need nightshifts soon so I can get more ready. They are already talking about what's happening in the next "episode."


Blogger stompbox said...

The little guy is an echidna with a huge flail. The big guy is a frill necked lizard rogue weilding two longswords. The little guy decided he also can turn into a lizard sometimes. I didn't have the heart to say no (he's 5) so he's a were-lizard, the lizard for has better DEX but lower combat stats generally I guess.

They were heading from the "Whacked Mole", their favourite ice cream and milkshake shop, heading to the magic hospital to visit an owl wizard (their mum's character) who was cursed in the previous micro-session by a crazy old lizard, and the owl is losing her memory and forgetting spells.

On the way they find some dirty rat men ransacking a shop and decide to intervene. (The rogue was disinterested. I shrugged and said "Are you heroes?" That did it, he was in.) The echidna rolled a 1 and a 3 the next round, so he missed the rats and smashed the door fram instead, eventually bringing the roof down. (He described his weapon as a huge spiked metal ball on a chain. I think he's thinking of Mario Cart. Anyway, it's a game, so why the hell not?) The rogue didnt do much better initially, fumbling a roll to trip a rat by throwing his grappling hook, targeting their legs. So he smashed the one remaining intact window.

More to come...

7:25 am  
Blogger eightball said...

I don't know why you insist on making my life seem so dull....

1:20 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

The characters apprehended the ratmen, the owner showed up and thanked them, calling them heroes. The Lizard laughed at the Echidna, saying he had smashed the shop, and the 5 year old Echidna replied "It was a accident!"

So when the shop keeper asked for their assistance retrieving something which was stolen (earlier by an anthropomorphic bulldog) they agreed. The Lizard has since somehow convinced himself there is a cash reward. I can't wait to see his face later when he realises this is not the case.

The Frill-Necked Lizard had been at the snail races that morning, racing his prized snail, but realising the race would be running for a few more hours, he decided he had plenty of time to follow things up for the shopkeeper.

Anyway the rest on the session consisted of a chase scene across barges and fishing boats down at the docks. It was hilarious and the kids loved it. There was some combat, some critical success rolls resulting in some spectacular acrobatics between boats, and some fumbles resulted in spectacular crashes, feet going through the bottom of boats, which then started to sink, and other hilarity.

Uncle Skaffen's NPC Lyre Bird Warlock saved the day with 2 well-placed Sleep spells. They caught the Bulldog and got the info they were after - leads for the next session. They also took his gold, he had been paid more by the bad guys to steal the article from the shop, but lost of it at the snail races.

"Holy Shit!" exclaimed the Frill Necked lizard, and they all legged it to the snail races, where3 his snail was defectedly coming last as they turned into the final stretch. The heroes started cheering the snail on, my 5 year old rolled a 20, and the snail, hearing their barracking, turned to look at them, perked up, and took off down the straight, winning the race.

They took the winnings and headed off to "The Whacked Mole" for ice cream and milk shakes. End of session one.

Now the Echidna (5) wants a snail. I suggested something different, how about a wrestling crab? He loves that idea now, and is keeping an eye out for one. I told him the best place to get one (A sumo cave crab) is from the Mole Men (that's right, the AVALON equivalent of Dwarves.) This sets will tie in to the next module/adventure after this one, which will probably run for a few more sessions. The kids seem to be enjoying the several threads running thru the game.

The Lizard is a Rogue (Thief) - easy.

I've worked out the Echidna's background - a Gladiator. Which explains his flail from hell. The City has an Arena. That's right baby. Carnage.

Uncle Eightball - Your Barbarian Cockatoo is welcome. I have rules sussed, and even a picture of his treehouse village for the character sheet.

AVALON is in full effect.

7:51 pm  
Blogger eightball said...

I've started on the preliminary artwork for characters..

There's lots of bird NPC's...

jus' sayin

Cause I drawing birds is a pain in the ass... all those feathers drive me nuts yo

11:53 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

That sounds awesome dude.

Can you use nozzles in Painter to do feathers? And set the feathers to follow stroke direction, with some randomness, and the size tied to tablet pressure? Just sayin'

I would love to make miniatures of the PCs. I was thinking of modelling them in 3D and getting them printed in resin, but I think it might be easier to make them by hand. Either sculpy, but more likely finding good base figures, hacking into those and using "green stuff" modelling putty over the top.

Imagine their faces when we sit down, crack out the chips and lemonade, dice, big mat with a map on it, and then figures of their dudes. They would shit.

I guess the problem then is having miniatures for the monsters. But I dont think that's important. Having the party as figures would be enough. I'll start keeping an eye out for suitable figures on ebay, forums etc.

Party list (if you're drawing & need ideas):

Echidna - with a pet sumo crab
(Huge spiked ball on a chain trailing behind him)

Frill necked lizard - with a pet racing snail
(two long swords and a knife in his teeth)

Rhino - blacksmith, lugs around a huge staff like a telephone pole over his shoulder. He's big.

Cocky barbarian w great axe - frothing at mouth. Dude - shrunken rat heads hanging from belt. If feathers are hard just rough it out like spikey hair.

Lyre bird with a tall skinny wizard hat

Little owl with a wizard hat (like a party hat) and a dragon fly familiar

Later we may have NPC koala fighters in full plate and a koala cleric but we'll see...

6:35 pm  

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