Saturday, September 09, 2006


Stumbled across this today googling for Urban Dead which seemed to be down.

Outbreak has no action points, but is otherwise similar.
Check it out. Better for me at work, with APs in UD I could play for 10 minutes every few days. In this you can play non stop.


Blogger skaffen said...

Holy Crap, way to discover this when I've taken a day off. Nice find Stomp.

You may have noted my x-fire clock has stopped. I actually canned my WoW subsription the other week. I am not able to dedicate the kind of time that game requires, especially with the need to team-up online in order to progress into the end-game without grinding for weeks on end.

So Stomp pulls out an Urban Dead knock-off that's basically Doom. Perfect.

MortarForker has signed his arse up for carnage. See you on there.

11:32 pm  

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