Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Okay, so I've lost my job in the UK, I've starved myself for a week and now I'm in Slovenia with two mates from Melbourne.

We are drinking red wine and vodka with americans and the question that comes to my mind is, how the fuck do you get in a Slovenian girls pants?

I figure, beat them at pacman?


Blogger eightball said...

Well not being american is probalby a really good start. But seeing Slovenia is post soviet block (probalby) I say start going down the route of asking where you line up for everything.

"I hear you commies line up for everything, so where do I line up for the toilet... please.. tell me quick.........."

or the age old

"where do I line up to get in your pants?"

10:58 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Have you seen HOSTEL? Just asking.

11:36 pm  

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