The Definitive TML post
I think once you've see this you'll agree, there's no need to post anymore about anything. This post is all TML every wanted, but never thought it would actually one day have on its pages.
I propose that from this moment forth, all we do is duplicate this exact post ad nauseum.
[caveat] : In line with Skaffens request please see comments
I propose that from this moment forth, all we do is duplicate this exact post ad nauseum.
[caveat] : In line with Skaffens request please see comments
due to fear of being anally probed by a giant toothy tentacle bush I am not about to be the first one to break the pattern..
However all I have to say is I FUCKING GOT A VIDEO IPOD MUTHERCHUCKERS!!!!!!
it's black, it's 60gb & further more, I think it might be one of the most satisfying purchases I've ever made. it's as good as I expected it to be.
(that said iTunes is as crap as I remember it to be as well, still establishing whether any of the third party windows app's for controlling ipod music are capable of the full task though)
Next time you see me, speak up. cause I'm fucking deaf
Sweet dude! You must be happy with it. I love buying new toys, especially when they aren't a let down. Too many things are nowadays though.
On that note however, I have been trying to post an image up here without success, it's of my PSP, a robot from Japan that I built, and my new Nintendo DS. I got the Nintendogs pack, cause I am a gay fag, plus Advance Wars: Dual Strike, which is RAD!
I have several Nintendogs now, which I have named after some of my housemates so when they come in the room I can power it up and start with crap like "Ben, sit... Ben, sit... Ben you little fuck, sit the fuck down! Ahh, good boy, here's a bowl of water."
I do think it pissing them off.
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