Saturday, December 04, 2004

LW to HL2 Scripts

Still only beta, but hugely useful for LW to HL2.
Skaffen can use Max if he wants, I can use LW, and everything finishes as HL2 files (whatever the format's called..)

He's talking about the next version supporting "export physics models" which sounds interesting.

Whoohoo! I might be able to do all my modding in Lightwave!! I can animate in Motionbuilder using (chopped, edited and tidied with a layer of keyframes) mocap files, model in Modo... This is going to be fun.


Blogger stompbox said...

The more I think about it the better it sounds. I can use LW dynamics to make a walk cycle or whatever anim sequence with hair bouncing, cloth moving/flowing etc. Armour plates fixed to "rubber" undersuit with SoftFX...
Or big fat bastards with soft FX jiggly sumo flesh.
Ooh, ohh, I want to make a huge fat evil motherfucker, a butcher or something.

Facial animation with morph targets...

And you bake it all to the vertexes, and export = cool

8:56 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

I have been cruising around download vid tutes and playing with the various apps available. At this time I have decided to proceed with Hammer (The Level editor included with HL2) and the XSI-HL2EXP free app.
Both of these come with extensive tutes, manuals and community support. Plus I don't need to fuck around with converters while I learn stuff.
That said I'm using some 3DS MAX tutes as a speedy way of getting up to speed (and cause the tute includes a sweet as gun.)
You guys however can use whatever you like, as you've got your shit together better than I.

Just wanted to share.

1:32 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

Any MAX modeling you do will translate in modeling in any 3D app. They might have different hotkeys, but 3D modeling is 3D modeling.

That being said, I have aspirations to go to town with Lightwave to ZBrush and back again with the characters for your mods, using normal mapping to its full potential. - On Fat Clown Biker's 3 chins you will be able to see the wrinkles.

8:59 pm  

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