Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Army of Darkness Dark Horse Comic (bittorrent)

I haven't seen it, but I think the artist is John Bolan or some shit, an awesome artist. No this is not the "Ashes to Ashes" I was talking about, this is the comic adaptation of the 3rd Evil Dead film.

I love Battle Chasers, got thru 9 issues and then realised that's all I have, DOH!! Can't see more on Suprnova, if you spot more, I NEED THEM !!!


Blogger eightball said...

doh, really?
do a search for supercult comic torrent, it's another torrent site I found that is dedicated to comics. they might be able to help you there with more Battle Chasers...

& yes as predicted, broadband rocks. & yes also as predicted I have no time to appreciate all the stuff I'm getting

1. Hellboy - looks awesome, from teh 15minutes I've been able to watch
2. I have everything Jhonen Vasquez ever produced, & I haven't even opened the directory
3. I have about 20 new albums, of which I've listened to the new Melvins twice & an old one I already had on vinyl on constant repeat.

Broadband rocks, however I suck

9:37 am  
Blogger eightball said...

OK, supercult seems to be some cheap soft skate porn vegas slut site

which in itself is fine, but doesn't help you with comics & gets you fired at work

I'll find the other one at home

12:56 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

Hey! Signs of life on TML!
Good to hear broady is noice.

7:55 am  

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