There you go, saves me reviewing it. Click on the cover there and you'll get a pdf preview of several pages. I didn't get that cover, spewing. But I still got a cartoon cover at least, not a gay photo cover. There are 5 or 6 alternate covers, some rare and expensive. How's that for a scam. You'd have to be an idiot to buy 6 copies of the same comic with different covers, but I guess people do or the companies wouldn't make them. Anyway it was $6AUS, well worth it I reckon. Better than a shit overnight video. Great art as you can see in the preview, and the story's cool. Some wierdness in the art sometimes, kenetic fight scenes where you can't tell which direction someone's swinging. But it's no biggie and didn't spoil it for me.
Ash's lines sound like him talking, and the story has some great ideas. If they can pull out one or two ideas each issue which I didn't expect, I'll be happy. I'd recommend this comic. I don't recommend buying it, I recommend buying something else, bringing THAT to my house for me to read, and you can read my copies. I'm getting the whole series anyway, 4 issues only apparently.
Also, check THIS site out for a rad comic advertised in A2A, they have previews there too. It has the old school Heavy Metal mag aesthetic, whoohoo
And THE GOON looks cool, I'm looking into getting some trade paperbacks.
OHH, OHH, also they did a sequel to the BATTLE ANGEL ALITA series, and I'm getting the trade paperback with a Borders voucher from my brother-in-law! YAY! It looks awesome. Plus have change to get R Morgan's Broken Angels. I got Market Forces the other day. Life's short, GEEK OUT
Awesome! Definately get them all if they haven't nuked it.
What gives me wood is Alita :)
There's a whole slew of SF I've bought recently and some new ones I'm waiting for. We're probably going to have to enter into a care-package trading scheme like I did with Hamish several years ago.
I will get them all, I love that character and those Evil Dead movies so much.. The drawings are cool too.
I will take a while to read those R Morgan books, but dont buy them, I'll mail them to you as soon as I finish each one.
A care package coming your way soon, wife found my stash of Lady Death comics - busty! I'll send them to you. They're fun, and not appropriate for my kids. Too much cleavage dude! Is that an oxymoron?
Got the Alita series sequel Vol 1 (last order? something) Which suggests there will be more volumes. Maybe all are in the downloadable pack. But I have the hardcopy now, saving it for 2.5 day train trip to Alice Springs via The Gahn - YAY!
Also got R Morgan's Broken Angels
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