Friday, July 02, 2004

Click on the picture to check out "EVIL SHIT", a German horror/slasher/something rad flick being um made in Germany. There is no way no cunt reading this has heard of it, I read about it in a sleeve from a new underground death metal CD from "AMAGORTIS", who I've never heard of, so out-underground THAT, poseur.

Also there's a "romantic zombie comedy" out soon locally called "Shaun of the Dead" but I cant find the website. It's made by and starring the dude from SPACED, and looks awesome, set in an English pub beseiged by zombies - some bloke and his sheila woes, and there's zombies and shit. COOL


Blogger eightball said...

Pfft, I'm so underground I am shooting my own zombie slasher film in my pants as we speak. it's called "Attack of the Undead Haemmoroid" & the soundtrack is being provided by last nights curry.

10:17 am  
Blogger stompbox said...

Without wanting to sound rude, I do not want to see your film.

12:20 pm  

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