Wednesday, June 30, 2004


I can't stop thinking of an image these posts has put in my head. I want to draw it but I dont think I have enough talent to commit such a vision to paper. It's like a god complex: I'm sitting high in the air on a toilet with multiple cisterns sproating above it like flowers, and the toilet is mounted on the top of a huge pole upon which the Olsen twins are pole dancing, wearing gas masks with sewerage hoses running to the porcelain bowl. I'm holding a huge disco ball and smiling and shitting my ass off.


Blogger stompbox said...

.... on a hill of wriggling vibrators, like maggots

6:04 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

...golden light shining from above and a glorious epiphanic chorus resonating all about, sung by neurotic japanese schoolgirls. It's so beautiful I'm almost crying.

6:07 pm  

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